Monday, 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012 ~ Hello 2013...

Oh, where have the last twelve months gone? They have just flown past!!! I can remember my parents saying that each year goes faster than the ones before it. Unfortunately, they were correct. The thing is, though, that I seem to have more I want to achieve each year... doesn't add up really, but one good thing is, I'll never be bored... LOL!!!

Here are some of my favourite projects from 2012. There's too many to show all my projects... way more than I completed in 2011. Click on the photo to take you to the actual project...


Sunday, 30 December 2012

Vintage Patterns...

It's not that long since I took part in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day, earlier this month. I forgot to tell you that, once again, I won something. All of the patterns pictured above, have travelled from the other side of the world, and arrived safely at my house.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

Sorry I missed last week's features, but I was busily sewing for a handmade Christmas. I gave more handmade gifts than I ever have and everyone in my family received one.

When I began Threading YOUR Way with Threading My WayI initially set all the link parties to close one year from starting, even though I always intended to keep them running indefinitely. I couldn't find an option to have no finishing date, so chose one year. As it's almost a year since the first party began, I've changed all the ending dates to two years away. Assuming I'm still blogging in 2015, I'll extend them again then.

The features for this week...

I just love these bags added to the Drawstring Bags and Fabric Baskets link party...

Drawstring Bags by Sandra, from Sandra Sews

Friday, 28 December 2012

Art Caddy...

I did it!!! I finished all the sewing for my handmade Christmas. A couple of planned items were substituted with another less time consuming to make item, but everyone in my family received at least one handmade gift.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Drawstring Bag...

This drawstring bag was packed last week and sent to the other side of the country, along with lots of other handmade goodies.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Easy Skirt...

This little skirt is a very belated gift for a little baby girl. Skirts don't get any easier than this. I've used the Faith, Hope and Love Skirt from Create HOPE Designs

Monday, 17 December 2012

Gift Wrapping ~ Scrappy Bow...

Are you looking for a super quick and no cost way to jazz up your gifts? Make a scrappy bow and attach it to your festive wrapping. You can construct one in just two minutes, using supplies you already have at home. Here's how...

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

How are your plans for the festive season coming along? I've been madly sewing and am making steady progress, but I'm not sure if ten days will be enough!!! Either I'll be making a mad dash out to the shops at the last minute, or I'll have to cut down on sleep... LOL!!!

This week's fabulous features...

A gorgeous vintage top added to both the Baby Clothes and Accessories link party and the Aprons and Art Smocks link party...

Vintage Ruffled Apron Top Tutorial by Cass, from Cass Can Sew

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Drawstring Bag...

Here's a drawstring bag I've just finished. It's large enough to be used as a shopping bag, has the convenience of shoulder straps and can be folded and put into a handbag when empty.

I have an old drawstring bag, that I use all the time, in addition to my handbag, to maybe carry a sweater, a bottle of water and some food. This latest bag is not for me, however. It's a VERY belated birthday present. Once I finished the bag, I ummed and erred over whether I'd gift it or keep it for myself.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

The festive season is fast approaching, so I thought I'd feature cards and gift tags added to the Gift Wrapping link party. Most of these fabulous ideas are easy to make and use materials you probably already have at hand. Handmade cards really personalise a gift and make it extra special.

Gift Tags by Shannon, from Sewing Barefoot

Winner ~ Sew Mama Sew Giveaway

I hope you all had fun during the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day. I certainly did!!! I've found lots of new blogs that I'll now be keeping up with. I loved reading your comments about your plans for 2 yards of Amy Butler fabric.

If you are new to Threading My Way, WELCOME!!!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas Skirt...

When Caroline, from Sew Can She, asked if I would guest post on She Sews, I headed straight for the kids' clothes tutorial archives. Hmmm... so many wonderful tutorials to choose from. It was difficult to narrow it down, but I was looking for a tutorial for a Christmas outfit for a special little Miss. The 4th July Ruffle Skirt by Terra, from Mama Says Sew, caught my eye. It was perfect for what I had in mind.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Sewn by YOU...

I get a kick out of seeing projects that have been made using one of my tutorials, so I thought I'd share some photos.

Projects that have been Sewn by YOU, using tutorials from Threading My Way...

The first three projects, by Ros, MSY and Mira, have been made using the Fabric Basket Tutorial. I've never timed how long it takes to make this fabric basket, but it's not long. Ros estimates about 15 - 20 minutes, without interruptions.

Ros from Sew Delicious

Monday, 3 December 2012

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

This is my fourth time participating in Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day and each time I've been lucky enough to win something. 

Giveaway day actually runs for the week and I know I'll be like a mad woman, reading, commenting and crossing my fingers that I'll win something again. Whether I win something or not, I know I'll find lots of fabulous blogs.

With further ado, here's what I'm offering to one lucky reader......

- 1 yard of Peacock Feathers and 1 yard of Lotus, both by Amy Butler
- The Practical Guide to Patchwork by Elizabeth Hartman

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features...

Check out the latest project added to the Softies, Dolls and Toys link party. This is the best baby doll bed I have seen!!! I've added the tutorial to my To Do list...

Baby Doll Bed Tutorial by Patty, from Make It Cozee

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Sewing Link Parties Revisited Again...

I've found another sewing only link party, so I've added it to the list of Link Parties that cater mainly or exclusively for sewing...

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Christmas Fabric Baskets...

Once again, I've used the legs from pre-loved jeans, to make some denim fabric baskets. These little baskets could be used for many things, but I'll be filling mine with chocolates.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Where do all the dresses go...

Last December, I made my first pillowcase dresses for Dress A Girl Around the World. Yesterday, I saw some photos of a little girl in the Philippines wearing one of those dresses. It was a wonderful feeling!!!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

There were so many projects added to the Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way link parties this week. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading through them all, but it was very hard to choose just a few.

This week's features...

An awesome rag quilt, made using denim and a mix of tartan and Christmas fabric, added to the Quilting and Patchwork link party...

Denim Rag Lap Quilt by Maria, from Mia's Creations

Friday, 23 November 2012

In Seam Pocket Tutorial...

An in seam pocket is so easy to add to pants, skirts or shorts. This tutorial will show you how to easily add an in seam pocket to a project you are making.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Gathered Clutch...

This is my version of the Gathered Clutch, by Anna from Noodlehead. I've had the pattern for ages, but this is the first time I've made it up.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

3/4 Pants with Pleated Cuffs...

The last 3/4 pants I made were a great fit and well received, so I've made another two pairs using Butterick B5019. This time, I've shortened the pants and added pleated cuffs; an easy way to pretty up some otherwise plain fabric.

Tutorial to make pleated cuffs...

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Friday, 16 November 2012

Ring Your Neck ~ Scarf Challenge

It's only half way through the month and I've finished my entry, for the Ring Your Neck Scarf Challenge.

While the northern hemisphere is heading in to Winter, Summer is almost here in Australia. It's definitely not scarf wearing weather at the moment!!! I love wearing scarves for warmth in cold weather and have a ton of them in different colours and styles; some knitted, some fabric. I definitely don't need any more.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Pillowcases for hospital...

No one wants to have to go to hospital, least of all kids and especially not at Christmas time.

To spread a little cheer to children spending time in a hospital over Christmas, Kristy, over at Hopeful Threads, is running Stockings of Cheer, the sew-along for the month of November.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Bits and pieces...

I've been wanting to have a go at drafting my own patterns for ages now. I'm happy doing so when it's a refashion for a children's garment, but have not had the confidence for a garment for myself. So, when Justine from Sew Country Chick announced her Pattern Making Draft Along, I thought this would be the perfect time to start. Here's what Justine has planned:

  • Week One: The basic A line skirt
  • Week Two: The basic knit t-shirt
  • Week Three: The basic button down shirt
  • Week Four: The basic dress
  • Week Five and Six: Basic trousers
The trousers and shirts are the ones that particularly interest me. 

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features...

An awesome sewing case and tutorial added to the Purses, Clutches and Pouches link party. I could have done with this case at a class I attended this week. It would definitely have kept everything contained and easy to find.

Sewing Case Tutorial by Juliet, from Tartankiwi

Christmas outfit...

Here's a sneak peak of the first Christmas outfit I've sewn for this year. I have to say, I'm thrilled with how it turned out. If you'd like to see the whole outfit, head on over to the Sew Can She blog, She Sews!

... Pam

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Email etiquette...

More and more I find I am receiving emails from bloggers who host link parties. The vast majority do the correct thing and include a paragraph asking us to let them know if we don't want to receive the email. I don't mind receiving the emails at all, but do appreciate the fact that the sender acknowledges I mightn't want to receive them.

I do, however, object to receiving bulk emails, where my email address is visible to all. Again, most bloggers do the correct thing, but increasingly, I am receiving bulk emails with my email address in the To or Cc fields, where it can be seen by every recipient (often over 100) .

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Ten Awesome Purse Tutorials...

Today I am showcasing Ten Free Purse Tutorials... purses, zippered pouches, a wristlet, a clutch and a key cover... all added to our ONGOING Purses, Clutches and Pouches link party. All of these awesome tutorials contain step by step instructions and lots of photos.

Pyramid Pouch Tutorial by Rikka, from Ricochet and Away

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

A couple of people have asked whether there is any way to be notified of new links added to each of our ongoing, themed link parties and I've had to answer... None that I know of. There are 33 unique link parties, with each of us being particularly interested in different ones. Every week there are many new links added, but it varies greatly as to which parties and how many are added.

The weekly features are usually chosen from the last week's additions, so maybe you can use the Featured posts as a reminder to check the parties you are interested in.

We don't celebrate Halloween in Australia, to the extent that it is celebrated in other parts of the world. I haven't personally come across anyone celebrating Halloween in Australia, but I read and see online that it is beginning to take off here. It does look like it's a lot of fun! Don't forget to add any Halloween costumes you've made to the Pretend Dress Up Clothes link party.

Our features for this week...

An ever so pretty dress, linked to the Dresses for Girls link party. You can't go wrong with polka dots (I love them) and combined with the fabric flower, this 50's style dress will never go out of fashion.

50s Polka Dot Dress by Federica, from La Tartaruga Crea

Friday, 26 October 2012

Different Types of Seams...

Today's post is all about seams - a guide to show you the different types of seams and how to sew them:
  1. plain seams
  2. welt seams
  3. French seams
  4. flat felled seams
Learn how to sew the many different types of seams - plain, welt, french, flat felled ~ Threading My Way

Thursday, 25 October 2012

National Bandanna Day ~ CanTeen

Tomorrow is National Bandanna Day in Australia. Every year, on October 26th, bandannas are sold to support CanTeen, an organisation that supports and empowers young people (aged 12 - 24 years of age), living with cancer.