Sunday, 28 July 2019

Showcasing ~ How to Make a Tutu Skirt ~ Tutorial

How old is too old to wear a pretty tutu? Read on to find out how to make one for your favourite little girl - or for yourself.

Learn how to make a no-sew tutu skirt. Tutorial by AppleGreen Cottage

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Showcasing ~ Reusable Splash Balls ~ Tutorial

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere in the middle of a long hot Summer, keeping cool with be uppermost on your mind. For kids, that means water play, sometimes in the form of splash balls, water bombs and super splashers. Ditch the plastic balloons - check out today's showcased tutorial, and make some reusable splash balls.

Learn how to make reusable splash balls by upcycling old bathing suits - swimming costumes. Tutorial by Cucicucicoo Ecological Living.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Showcasing ~ Emma Bag Made with Selvedges

After my last post showing you my selvedge fabric basket, I thought I'd show you a larger project made with selvedge fabric - a cross body handbag.

The Emma bag made from selvedge fabric. Sewn by Patchouli Moon Studio. Pattern by ChrisW Designs.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Selvedge Fabric Basket

I am absolutely thrilled with my latest creation - a little fabric basket made with selvedges. With a finished size of 5" x 3" x 5" it's a handy size to hold bits and pieces in my sewing room - to help keep it tidy.

Make a selvedge fabric basket. Pattern review - Patchouli Moon Studio ~ Threading My Way

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Showcasing ~ Shibori Table Runner and Table Mats ~ Tutorial

For a long time, I've been fascinated with shibori dyeing, but I have yet to give it a go. Today's showcased tutorial starts with shibori dyeing and ends with a beautiful set of table mats and a table runner.

Learn how to do shibori dying to make a table runner and table mats ~ Tutorial by Vicky Myers Creations

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Showcasing ~ Reversible Quilted Fabric Plate ~ Tutorial

Today's showcased project is something I've never seen before - a quilted fabric plate. It's unique, practical and I love it.

Learn how to make a quilted fabric plate. Tutorial by eSheep Designs

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt ~ Progress

Progress has been slow on my Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt. Truth be told, progress has been non-existent, until last week that is. Last July I worked out how I was going to hand sew the hexagons together, but progress stalled.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Grocery / Shopping / Market Bags ~ 15 Free Tutorials

There is no doubt about it - the amount of plastic we are creating, using and disposing of is harming the world we live in. One way we can all help is by bringing our own reusable bags when we go shopping. Refuse both the single use plastics and the so called thicker reusable plastic bags on offer. Today I'm showcasing fifteen FREE fabric bag & tote patterns and tutorials, all with step by step instructions and lots of photos to help you make your own bags.

15 free reusable shopping, grocery bags and market tote tutorials and patterns. Threading My Way

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Showcasing ~ Appliquéd Jeans Tote ~ Inspiration

Blue and yellow is one of my favourite colour combos - it works every single time. Add some denim to the mix, and the effect is even more striking.

Appliquéd Jeans Tote ~ Klaudia's Kreativ World

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Showcasing ~ How to Make a Scrunchie ~ Tutorial

Scrunchies are back!!! The must have fashion statement from the 80s is making a return, and I, for one, am not unhappy about it.

Learn how to make a scrunchie for your hair ~ tutorial by AppleGreen Cottage

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Reusable Tote Bag ~ Easy to Make ~ Repurposing Tutorial

You have the reusable grocery bags sorted, and you are remembering to bring them for the weekly food shopping. But what about incidental shopping? Do you have a bag at the ready for when you find yourself making unexpected shopping purchases? Today's tutorial will show you how to make an unlined, lightweight bag that will easily fit inside your handbag, so you'll always have one on hand.

Easy to make unlined, reusable fabric tote bag ~ Tutorial by Threading My Way

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Upcycled Drawstring Travel Storage Bags

A couple of weeks ago I showed you my new travel storage bags. I am on a roll. I've made a few more - not as pretty as the last lot, but just as functional.

Drawstring travel bags made from an old sheet ~ Threading My Way