Thursday, 28 February 2013

Robot Finger Puppets...

I made these felt robot finger puppets for one of the little people in the family, last Christmas and they were very well received. 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Fancy Feet...

Rikka, from Ricochet and Away, has announced her latest challenge... the Fancy Feet Sewing Challenge. To quote, Rikka... March's challenge is all about those tricky sewing machine feet that sit in our sewing boxes and never get used.

Hmmm.... I have one or two, or three or .... fifteen sewing machine feet, or presser feet. Yikes!!! That's a lot and I know I haven't used them all.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features...

Two fabulous projects added to the Sewing Accessories link party.

Quilted Sewing Machine Cover Tutorial by Ros, from Sew Delicious
I hate to admit it, but on the odd occasion that I cover my machines, it's with tea towels. I really need to sew a proper cover, like this one.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Earbud Pouches...

Just a quick post today to show you some more Christmas presents I made last year, using the free tutorial over at Dog Under My Desk.... earbud pouches. I've had the tutorial pinned on my Free Tutorials Pinterest board for ages.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Threading Your Way ~ Sewing Accessories ~ Link Party

Welcome to the thirty fourth edition of Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way. Each ongoing, themed link party is steadily growing into a resource full of ideas and inspiration.
    Remember, these linkys are ongoing, so you can continue to add projects throughout the year. Add as many projects as you would like.

    Our thirty fourth linky for 2012 is everything Sewing Accessories... sewing machine covers, thread catchers, sewing cases, scissors covers, sewing bags, ironing board covers, etc.

    Sewing Accessories
    Link up any family friendly posts that you have written on Sewing Accessories Your posts might (but don't have to) include any of the following:
    • how to's 
    • tutorials
    • photos
    • tips 
    • what you have learnt

    Threading Your Way ~ Features...

    This week's features...

    A fabulous upcycled Kindle cover, added to the Electonic Gadget Covers link party...

    Upcycled Kindle Cover by Danya, from Danya Banya

    Friday, 15 February 2013

    Sweet Pouch Swap...

    Early in January, I signed up for the Sweet Pouch Swap, over at Sew Delicious... make a zippered pouch, pop in some chocolates or sweets and put it in the post for our assigned partner, by Friday, 15th February.

    Wednesday, 13 February 2013

    How to Add Bias Binding to a Dress...

    Bias binding is a very easy way to finish off necklines and armholes, in place of facings or linings. Today I'll show you how to add bias binding to neaten the edges on a dress.

    There are several ways to attach bias binding. The method I'll show you, results in the bias binding being hidden on the inside of the dress.

    Monday, 11 February 2013

    Shirt Dress...

    Take a man's dress shirt, combine it with a woman's blouse and you have everything you need to make a girl's dress... no need to buy anything.

    Wednesday, 6 February 2013

    How to Add Piping to a Dress...

    Piping is a great way to add contrast and a pop of colour between two fabrics. The piping can contain cord or not. Today I'll show you the super easy option: how to add piping, without a cord. It's so easy, I can hardly call this a tutorial, but if you are new to sewing, it may be a technique you are unfamiliar with and one you can master without difficulty.

    Monday, 4 February 2013

    Library Bags ~ Tutorials Galore...

    As it was the beginning of the year in Australian schools, at the end of last month I showed you how to make a basic library bag; a requirement for most Primary School aged children. Following on from the basic library bag tutorial, were 4 more library bags, all variations of the original tutorial. Today, I'm bringing all the library bag tutorials together and adding to the collection, with links to tutorials from around the Internet.

    Sunday, 3 February 2013

    Threading Your Way ~ Features...

    This week's features...

    Two awesome baby quilts, added to the Quilting and Patchwork link party. Quilters have a language of their own and I'm slowly learning what some of the abbreviations mean.

    HST Baby Quilt Tutorial by Rikka, from Ricochet and Away!

    Friday, 1 February 2013

    Love is in the air...

    This week I'm joining in with Season 6, Project Run and Play, for the theme Love is in the air. I knew I had the perfect fabric in my stash; a Japanese fabric, Sevenberry, bought on sale some time ago.