Sunday, 25 November 2012

Where do all the dresses go...

Last December, I made my first pillowcase dresses for Dress A Girl Around the World. Yesterday, I saw some photos of a little girl in the Philippines wearing one of those dresses. It was a wonderful feeling!!!

In April of this year, I made more dresses for Dress A Girl Around the World, when I joined in with the monthly sew-along at Hopeful Threads. The dresses I made for the sew-along have arrived in Uganda, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. If I'm lucky, I might get to see a photo of someone wearing one of those dresses, too.

I'm not totally sure why the photos of the little girl wearing the dress above affected me as much as they did. When I made the dresses, I knew they would be given to little girls who otherwise might not own a dress. But to actually see someone wearing one of those dresses... WOW!!!

Seeing the photos has renewed my enthusiasm to sew for this wonderful organisation. I'd like to sew some dresses or shorts for the Christmas drive being run by Dress A Girl Around the World, Australia, but realistically, I know it will probably have to wait until next year. 

Here's some links if you would like to find out more about Dress A Girl Around the World:

... Pam


  1. That's lovely, Pam! What a beautiful gesture. No wonder you were touched to see your dress on its new owner. Way to go!

  2. Thank you for showing this Pam, I don't have much time but I shall sew a few and take them with me to England. What a wonderful charity.

  3. Lovely Pam.. Sewing for others is such a nice feeling. And extra nice to see that you do it so often :)

  4. What an awesome charity. I can understand how fufilling it would be to see a little girl wearing your dress.

  5. It's an honor and you deserve. Pretty dresses.

  6. Pam, you just touch my sensitive strings! What a beautiful gesture and I can imagine your feeling when you saw that picture. I went to the National Website and found that Canada participates in this event now I have to find out where they are located. Thanks for the info, this topic really interests me. Marisa-

  7. I helped to sew dresses for orphans in Malawi and it IS a wonderful feeling! I am planning on making more to send along with a missionary to Tanzania, too! How awesome that you got to see a picture of the recipient!!??!!

  8. How wonderful. Now that I will be making clothes I will definitely be sewing for the Australian branch next year. Thanks for letting me know about this great endeavour. My brother lives in the Phillippines with his partner and their three children and I know how deadfully hard the people there work for what we would consider absolutely miserable wages. I often send my sons clothes that they have grown out of over to my brother for distribution in the poorer villages. Would that more people put compassion and empathy before the latest consumer must have disposable item. Woops. Am off my soap box now!! Cheers, Karen

  9. That's indeed a wonderful feeling when you know something you've sewn is being worn..especially when it's part of such a worthy cause!


  10. What a beautiful dress, Pam! I know that's one lucky little girl!

  11. That's great, Pam! It must be very rewarding to see your dresses being put to good use!

  12. What a nice thing to participate in!

  13. Que bela iniciativa eu não conhecia essa proposta, realmente muito interessante e motivadora.

    Parabéns e seus vestido ficou lindo.


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