Friday, 29 November 2019

12 Felt DIY Christmas Ornaments ~ Tutorials ~ Easy to Make

Do you need a few more decorations to brighten up your Christmas tree? You simply won't believe how easy it is to make stylish ornaments from felt.

How to make felt Christmas ornaments from felt. Quick and easy DIY. Threading My Way

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Library Bags - I've Finally Done Some Sewing

Finally, I've done some sewing, and it's come in the form of library bags (book bags) for charity.

Sewing library bags - book bags - for charity. Tutorial by Threading My Way

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Showcasing ~ How to Make Jumbo Hair Scrunchies ~ Tutorial

Little girls love scrunchies - big girls, too. Whip up a few in Christmas themed fabric - they make great stocking stuffers.

Learn how to make jumbo scrunchies. Tutorial by Simply Crafting

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Showcasing ~ easy to make Tissue Pouch ~ Tutorial

Looking for a small gift, that's quick to make, with little to no cost? Today's showcased tutorial fits the bill. What's more, you can probably raid the scrap fabric stash to find just the right fabric.

Learn how to make a tissue pouch with two scraps of fabric - small gift ~ tutorial by Libby's Lifestyle