Monday 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012 ~ Hello 2013...

Oh, where have the last twelve months gone? They have just flown past!!! I can remember my parents saying that each year goes faster than the ones before it. Unfortunately, they were correct. The thing is, though, that I seem to have more I want to achieve each year... doesn't add up really, but one good thing is, I'll never be bored... LOL!!!

Here are some of my favourite projects from 2012. There's too many to show all my projects... way more than I completed in 2011. Click on the photo to take you to the actual project...


The most popular project has been the Denim Fabric Baskets Tutorial, made from a pair of pre-loved jeans, followed by the Fabric Basket Tutorial.

A year ago tomorrow, saw the first Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way Link Party. Each of the 33 linkies, is ongoing, themed and open indefinitely. As I had hoped, these link parties have become a collection of resources, full of patterns, tutorials, inspiration and reviews. The Bags and Totes collection is the most popular, with 299 bags and totes added.

So, after a successful 2012, what do I hope to achieve in 2013?

Threading My Way_Refashioning

Create at least one refashion, hopefully more, each month. Upcycling, recycling, reusing, repurposing, refashioning, whatever you care to call it, it's becoming trendy and more mainstream and that's a good thing.

Curved Seams Challenge Homepage

Accept at least one challenge each month. I find online challenges a great way to meet other like minded bloggers, as well as a way to hone and extend my sewing skills. So far I've signed up for two in January.

Threading My Way_Threading Your Way

Continue to host the Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way Link Parties, highlighting features each week. The vast majority of these parties are sewing related.

sew with heart 3 by Hopeful Threads, on Flickr

Sew to help others. In 2012 I joined in with many of the monthly sew-alongs at Hopeful Threads and made both dresses and shorts for Dress A Girl Around the World, Australia.

Sew substantially more clothes for myself. One t-shirt and one scarf just won't cut it in 2013. You can hold me to that!!! That won't stop me from sewing for kids, though. I'll just have to find more hours in each day.

Threading My Way_How Does Blog Look

Extend my limited knowledge of html coding and share what I know with you. If you'd like to know how I've done much of this page, check out creating tables in a blog, as part of the How Does Your Blog Look series.

And I'll definitely be writing more tutorials.

In an hour and a half it will be 2013. Wishing you all a happy and healthy year, filled with lots of fun and laughter, with a large dose of sewing, crafting and creating.

... Pam


  1. Great set of projects Pam, you were busy in 2012. Here's to a happy and productive 2013!

  2. Hi Pam,

    Happy New Year,too!

    Greatings Klaudia

  3. So very glad to have found you in 2012 and looking forward to more Threading My Way with YOU in 2013. Thanks for all the wonderful tutorials, Linkies, and Blogger has made such a difference in CollectInTexas Gal. Happy New Year!

    1. Glad it's all been helpful, Sue. Looking forward to seeing your creations this year...

  4. Great goals and collection of projects! Looking forward to seeing your projects in 2013.


  6. Happy New Year, Pam! We have 10.5 hours to go, and I'm busy cooking for a big family lunch for tomorrow. My sewing machines will have to remain silent until Wednesday - I hope everybody has/had a very happy AND SAFE new year's eve and a wonderful 2013 :)

  7. Happy New Year to you! I can't wait to see all the ideas you and the linky peeps come up with in the new year.

  8. Happy New Year, Pam! Can't wait to see what 2013 brings here at Threading My Way.:)

  9. Happy New Year Pam! Those are some great plans for 2013! Good luck with it!

  10. Happy New Year! Great goals for 2013, think I might look at doing some challenges as well!


  11. I love the variety of projects you have made. It inspires me to try to think outside my box. I have been thinking about the curve challenge but wasn't sure since I missed out on the past couple.

    Happy New Year to you!

  12. Happy New Year Pam! Hope you achieve all your goals in 2013!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  13. Pam! I love how you have set goals for 2013! Looking forward to seeing you reach them! Thanks for linking up to The Best of 2012 Link Party! Diana

  14. Hi Pam, all of the creations you made ​​last year are beautiful, as are your tutorials! The objectives for this year are promising, I like all your ideas! and as I am a faithful follower of your blog I will be anxiously awaiting for every post.
    Pam, "Happy 2013" and hopefully this year we will not go faster than last year!!
    Marisa from


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