Thursday, 29 November 2012

Sewing Link Parties Revisited Again...

I've found another sewing only link party, so I've added it to the list of Link Parties that cater mainly or exclusively for sewing...

The Train to Crazy
Canoe Ridge Creations
Fresh Poppy DesignQuilt Story

Brassy Apple
freckled laundry Freckled Laundry
Creative Sewing BlogFeather's Flights

Again, feel free to leave links to any other link parties that are just for sewing or fabric

There are other parties out there which have a lot of sewing projects linked, but if the hosts are happy to have cooking projects, etc, linked up, I haven't included them in this list.

... Pam


  1. Thanks for adding me! I'm definitely going to get involved in the others! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love all your writing here, the diversity is so joyful ,, so just a HUGE thank you PAM for your marvelous blog of the blogs !!!!

  3. Thanks pam! This is so helpful while we try to focus our energy in the right places!


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