Sunday, 30 December 2012

Vintage Patterns...

It's not that long since I took part in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day, earlier this month. I forgot to tell you that, once again, I won something. All of the patterns pictured above, have travelled from the other side of the world, and arrived safely at my house.

These vintage patterns look they were made in perhaps the 50s, 60s and 70s. I'm guessing here, but I do remember wearing outfits similar to some of the patterns, in the late 60s and 70s. I'll definitely be doing some research and finding the era they come from.

Thank you, Katie, for my win!!! I've been saying for ages that I'm going to sew for myself. I have no excuse now, except perhaps that I need more hours in each day.

Katie's blog, Unconventional Katie, is on my must read list. Its full of sewing, quilting, knitting and lots of other crafting as well. If you're into quilting, check out Katie's latest quilt top. I love it!!!

Every time I have entered the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day, I have won something. How lucky am I...

... Pam


  1. Yay! How funny that we both won from the same generous giveawayer! (I'm sure that is not a word).
    I'm still waiting on mine, hopefully they are not too far behind yours! It'll be interesting to see what you make from these.

  2. What a SCORE! Those patterns are awesome! Please keep us updated what you discover about them. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Congratulations! It is always so much fun to win something... and you have each time?! That's just plain amazing. :-) Hope you can find some time to make something you will really enjoy for yourself!

  4. Pam congratulations for your win. to think that patterns from the 50-70 are `VINTAGE`, is a bit strange, i remember my mother wearing such clothes as well as myself. At those times i wore partly ready made clothes partly home sewn. First my mother sew for me later i sewed for me. Most of my sewing i did from MARION Dutch mag, published by my Great Uncle Le Cohen. {he also published a hand craft mag ARIADNE]. I still have Ariadne from the 70s , but not Marion. At the time it seemed they will go on forever. We did not always find the same cloth, here in Israel, as was advised in the mag. But we managed, and used what we Had and liked. mirjam

  5. Ah, thank you, Pam.

    I'm pretty sure the bottom right one is from the 40's. The illustration is similar to others from that decade. I hope you share what you find out about them.

  6. Great patterns. Bottom right is from the forties!


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