Friday 16 November 2012

Ring Your Neck ~ Scarf Challenge

It's only half way through the month and I've finished my entry, for the Ring Your Neck Scarf Challenge.

While the northern hemisphere is heading in to Winter, Summer is almost here in Australia. It's definitely not scarf wearing weather at the moment!!! I love wearing scarves for warmth in cold weather and have a ton of them in different colours and styles; some knitted, some fabric. I definitely don't need any more.

I don't, however, have any scarves that are worn purely to dress up, or become part of, an outfit. I'd like to add a few light weight scarves to my wardrobe. The Ring Your Neck Scarf Challenge was just the motivation I needed to make my first scarf to wear in Autumn or Spring.

I purchased 1 metre (39.37") of a black, stretch fabric. I thought I had taken a photo of the label, as suggested by Cass, from Cass Can Sew, but I didn't, so I can't tell you the type of fabric.

Making the scarf couldn't be any easier:
  • Cut two pieces 16" x 42".
  • Join the short ends with a zig zag stitch.
  • Join the ends of the seam, with a few stitches, to form a tube at the join. This hides the seam.
That's it. Sewing (if you can call it that), doesn't get any easier.

The fabric doesn't fray at all, so there was no need to hem or neaten the edges. In fact, doing so would have changed the way the scarf hangs. I've never made anything, ever, where I've left the edges raw. The ends of the scarf are the selvedges. Again, I've resisted the urge to cut them off and hem, because it would have detracted from the look of the scarf.

One component of the challenge is to try something new. I learnt to sew in a formal environment. Techniques were either right or wrong. There was no middle ground. Rules were made to be adhered to. I'm learning to think outside the square and break the rules, every now and then. Effortless as it may seem, leaving the edges raw and not cutting off selvidges, is new to me. I'm also learning that complicated isn't always the best option for every situation.

84" is quite long for a scarf, especially on a short person, but I've deliberately done this so I can wear the scarf as it suits me at the time. It's long enough that I can wrap it around twice if I want to.

I wear a lot of black when I dress up, which is why I chose black fabric. I don't know that I would ever wear it with my everyday t-shirts and jeans, as in these photos, but perhaps I should experiment more.

It only took a few minutes to cut the fabric and sew it together. Experimenting with the length took a little longer, but the really time consuming part was the photo shoot. My family will attest to the fact that I am not comfortable in front of a camera. My daughter, Tash, was very patient with me, taking LOTS of shots.

I'll be adding my scarf to the ongoing Hats, Bonnets, Beanies and Scarves link party, here on Threading My Way.

Thanks, Rikka, for hosting yet another fabulous challenge. This is the eighth challenge I've done with Rikka, each one taking me a little further out of my comfort zone.

There's still plenty of time to join in if you'd like to make a scarf.

... Pam


  1. Oh it's lovely! I once though scarves were only for old ladies.. but about three years ago I had a change of heart and now I adore them, such a quick way to dress up an outfit. You've done a great job and the fabric is gorgeous!

  2. Yay! I love it! I would wear it in a heartbeat. The fabric I used to make my loop scarf was very similar--one way stretch, no fraying, wrinkley. Congrats on meeting the challenge!!! Also great job on being the model! You look very glamorous!

  3. nice job! I've just gotton into wearing scarves, never know if I'm wearing one the right way, if there is a wrong way? lol! making one sounds like fun! I may check that out!

  4. It looks great on you! Totally fabulous and easy-- just perfect!

  5. Looks great Pam! Never thought about sewing a scarf before ... I've knitted and crocheted a few, but always for winter.

  6. Love the fabric it is really cute!!!

  7. Great job on the scarf, looks like lovely fabric to wear. Love the photos too.

  8. Love the scarf!! You look fabulous.:) (I don't like posing for pictures either...I feel like a dork doing it!)

  9. Your scarf looks lovely Pam (as do your photos!) I must get a move on and start mine too!

  10. I like the fabric Pam great texture!

  11. I am sittingh at the computer up in Queensland in 30 degree heat and major humidity. No scarf for me today! But I love them for winter. Such a great accessory and yours looks great. Lovely pics of you too :)

  12. Looking good Pam! And the scarf is great, looks very professional!

  13. Pam, I love your scarf. The idea of ​​buying stretch fabric is fantastic. Thanks for the tutorial, this scarf is definitely something I have to try. I especially like that is lightweight, and black color gives a lot of freedom to use it with almost all clothing. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing your project with us. Marisa-

  14. Great scarf Pam - and lovely photos too! :)

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  15. Very Nice Pam :) I am planning to paint one LOL

  16. It's so nice to be able to wrap it around twice. 84 inches sounds just right to me!

    hugs x

  17. Your scarf looks great! Would love it if you linked up on my blog hop Also let me know if you'd like to follow each other!

  18. Very cool, I absolutely love long scarves! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!


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