Thursday 25 October 2012

National Bandanna Day ~ CanTeen

Tomorrow is National Bandanna Day in Australia. Every year, on October 26th, bandannas are sold to support CanTeen, an organisation that supports and empowers young people (aged 12 - 24 years of age), living with cancer.

You can read more about the wonderful services provided by CanTeen, over on the CanTeen website.

CanTeen is entirely self-funded, and is only able to provide the services they do, thanks to support from the public. National Bandanna Day is their biggest fundraising event for the year. And that's where we come in... buying bandannas.

This year is slightly different, though. CanTeen are stepping things up a notch and are encouraging people to design their own bandannas, using the free Bandanna Art App.

Design created by CanTeen supporter...

You create your masterpiece on your iPhone or iPad and it can then be turned into...

Design created by CanTeen supporter...

... your very own bandanna. How cool is that!!!

Design created by Ken Done...

Australian artist, Ken Done, has designed a bandanna using the Bandanna Art App...

Design created by Ken Done...

With the free app, you can create as many bandannas as you like and you can share them, too. You can buy your own bandanna for only $19.95, with all profits going to CanTeen, to help them run support programs for young Australians. If you don't have an iPhone or iPad, or are just not feeling creative, there are lots of bandannas in the online web gallery that you can also buy.

To download the Bandanna Art App search for Bandanna Art in the App Store or via the website There's a video featuring CanTeen members and Ken Done, explaining more about the app and how it helps CanTeen. It's well worth a look and will give you more details.

Screen shot from CanTeen Banner Art. To play the video, go to the website...

In case you were wondering, I'm not being compensated in any way, for writing this post. I received an email this morning, asking if I would support this initiative. Even though I had planned some sewing for a guest post, I have happily spent part of the afternoon finding out about Bandanna Art and CanTeen.

I can see SO much potential for using the Bandanna Art App and supporting CanTeen at the same time...
  • Create your bandanna. I'll create mine on an iPad.
  • Purchase your bandanna, knowing you are supporting a very worthwhile cause.
  • Create yet again, by incorporating your masterpiece into a piece of sewing. I'm thinking... art work on a bag, a bandanna skirt, dress, top, apron. The possibilities are endless!!!
Even though tomorrow is National Bandanna Day, bandannas can be purchased at any time. Stay tuned for my Bandanna Art...

... Pam

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! A new way to create and support a great cause! Thank you! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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