Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Seasons Greetings...

It's Christmas Eve in Australia and I'm done with sewing for a few days. No, I didn't finish all the gifts I had planned to sew. Last night, at 1.00am, I decided that enough is enough. Hand sewing a zip upside down was the final straw. It's going to be a super cute little pouch when I rip out the stitching and re-attach the zip, but today's not the day. 

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A great looking tote, added to the Bags & Totes link party. Only ten steps required to make this tote...

The Three-Ten Tote ~ Tutorial by Ren, from The Inspired Wren

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Handmade Gift Tags and Cards

Handmade gift tags and cards are a lovely finishing touch to a wrapped present. They don't need to be fancy. Often a simple card looks the most effective. Today I am showcasing 10 quick and easy gift cards that I have chosen from the Gift Wrapping link party, here at Threading My Way

Handmade gift cards and tags add a lovely finishing touch to a wrapped present... 10 ideas so you can make your own ~ Threading My Way

Monday, 8 December 2014

Dress to Skirt Refashion...

This would have to be the easiest refashion ever - turning a woman's dress into a skirt for a young girl. It's a really quick make; less than half an hour from start to finish.

Dress to Skirt Refashion... a quick and easy make that takes less than half an hour ~ Threading My Way

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

Two beautiful gift bags, added to the Gift Wrapping link party. Such a lovely way to present wine...

Wine Bottle Gift Bags ~ Tutorial by Joy, from Yesterfood

Friday, 5 December 2014

20+ Presents for the Sewists in Your Life...

Today I am sharing 21 sewing accessories - projects that would be perfect to make for someone who sews. Most of them are quick and easy makes.

21 sewing accessories - projects that would be perfect to make for someone who sews. Most of them are quick and easy makes ~ Threading My Way

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Refashioning and Repurposing Jeans...

Jeans - we all wear them. Whatever the style - straight leg, boot cut, skinny, high rise, low rise, flared, boyfriend, slim, tapered - jeans are made with denim; a sturdy, cotton fabric that wears well.

Durable as they may be however, jeans don't last forever. Thinning fabric, particularly in the knees, eventually leads to holes. So, what can you do with pre-loved jeans that no longer fit, are too old to wear or are simply not a style you care to wear anymore?

Repurposing and Refashioning Pre-Loved Jeans... 14 projects + tips for sewing with denim ~ Threading My Way

Monday, 1 December 2014

30 Reusable Fabric Gift Bags...

Reusable fabric bags are a great way to wrap presents. Not only do they look terrific, but there's nothing wasted or thrown out. Bags can be very simple; just a couple of rows of stitching, tied with a ribbon and made in literally minutes. Or they can be more elaborate and a gift in themselves, with the lucky recipient receiving two gifts in one.

Learn how to make Reusable Fabric Gift Bags - 30 tutorials - Threading My Way

Friday, 28 November 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A fabulous gift wrapping idea, added to both the Fabric Baskets and the Gift Wrapping link parties. These could be adapted for many special occasions...

Christmas Gift Cone Tutorial by Josie, from SewforSoul

Embroidered Zippered Pouch...

I'd love to claim credit for this beautiful zippered pouch, but it was a present. Mum recently bought it for me at a fete. Knowing I'm interested in all types of sewing, she thought I'd like it. I love it!!!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

60's Pleated Tartan Skirt...

A few days ago, I featured two pleated, tartan skirts and it took me down memory lane, to a skirt I remember wearing as a child, many moons ago - a tartan, pleated skirt, no doubt made from wool.

Monday, 24 November 2014

English Paper Pieced Table Topper...

It's only taken me 8 months, but I have FINALLY finished my English Paper Pieced Table Topper. You'd wonder why something so small could take a long time to finish, but if you're not familiar with English Paper Piecing, it's all sewn by hand.

English Paper Pieced Table Topper ~ sewn by Threading My Way using a pattern by Stitches and Sew On

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features

Thank you for all your constructive suggestions about my handbag. I've decided I will contact the manufacturer, rather than attempt to reline the bag.

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A fantastic bag, added to the Bags & Totes link party. How awesome is this for a FIRST ever sewing project. It's also Michelle's first blog post. Check out her third sewing project, too - a wallet made without a pattern.

Butterfly Tote by Michelle, from Stitch Unpick Repeat

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Handbag Problem ~ Help Appreciated...

If you've ever bought yourself a Cellini leather handbag, you'll know they're not cheap, but they are beautiful handbags that look great and are made to last. They're an Australian brand, so I'm not sure if they're available elsewhere. I recently purchased the bag pictured on one of those shop till you drop shopping bus trips.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Kid Painted T-shirts...

Jazz up a plain t-shirt by adding some kid painted art work. The kids will have a unique, one of a kind garment that no one else is wearing and they'll be proud to get dressed in and show off their new creations. You can start with a ready made t-shirt, or, as I did, start from scratch and make your own t-shirt. Today I'll show you how the kids and I made two tank tops, with a few pieces of knit material and some fabric paint.

Kid Painted T-shirts... make a t-shirt, with a few pieces of knit material and some fabric paint ~ Threading My Way

Friday, 14 November 2014

Shop Handmade this Christmas...

Everyone knows about Etsy, but perhaps you haven't yet discovered MadeIt - proudly Australian 100% handmade. MadeIt is an online store, allowing you to buy unique, handmade goods from sellers 7 days a week, from the comfort of your own home. Creative and talented sellers are able to sell their goods both within Australia and internationally.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Drawstring Bag to Hold a French Knitting Kit...

Looking for an inexpensive crafty gift for a little someone. How about a French Knitting Kit? Don't just stop at the kit, add a skein of wool and whip up a drawstring bag to keep everything together. Today's tutorial will show you how to make a lined drawstring bag with boxed corners, that's just the right size for one large skein of wool and a French Knitting Kit.

How to make a lined Drawstring Bag with contrasting fabric ... the perfect size for a French Knitting Bag ~ Threading My Way

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Where to find ~ Images, Clip Art and Graphics for Your Blog...

Taking great photos is not something I'm good at, but I keep reading how the right photo will enhance a blog post. As I'm a visual person, I understand this totally. My eye is drawn first to an image and if it appeals to me, the text comes next. Does that mean I only read blogs with outstanding photos - heck, no!!! But, as I'm scrolling through my RSS reader, it's definitely the images and graphics that I notice first.

Where to find FREE images and clip art for your blog ~ Threading My Way

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A fabulous top, added to the Tops for Women link party. Great job on your first knitted top Becky!!!

Leopard Print Peplum Top by Becky, from Polka Dot Girl

Friday, 7 November 2014

30+ Handmade Gifts for Boys...

I don't know why, but I always find it harder to buy gifts for boys. The older they get, the harder it becomes, whether the gifts are handmade or store bought. I've spent much of today looking back at the projects added to the Softies, Dolls & Toys collection, here at Threading My Way. There are almost 200 ideas linked up, with many of them being suitable for boys. Today I've chosen to showcase 31 projects that can be sewn and given as presents to boys. Of course, many, if not all, are suitable for girls, too.

30+ Handmade Gifts for Boys... patterns, tutorials, ideas and inspiration ~ Threading My Way

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

What's Happening in November...

A quick heads up on some sewing related happenings in November...

Softies for Mirabel, is an annual handmade toy drive, helping kids who are affected by parental substance abuse. Toys can be knitted, crocheted or sewn. More details over at Meet Me At Mikes. Last year I made a monster with two faces - happy on one side and sad on the other.

Spoonflower is organising two sewing days for those in the U.S. to support Softies for Mirabel. Spoonflower will have everything you need on hand to whip up some  favourite cut-and-sew plushie patterns. Check out the details for sending in handmade toys as well.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Everyday Tank Top ~ Blog Tour and Giveaway...

Everyday Tank Top... easy to sew. Great pattern by Serger Pepper ~ sewn by Threading My Way

Today is Day One on the Everyday Tank Top Blog Tour and I'm pleased to be showing you the tank top I sewed using the Everyday Tank: Top and Dresses pattern, by Serger PepperI was given a copy of the pattern to participate in the blog tour. Summer is fast approaching here in Australia, so no pattern hacks for me. The pattern is perfect without any alterations.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Drawstring Gift Bags...

Reusable Drawstring Gift Bags... two gifts in one ~ Threading My Way

Christmas is fast approaching - sooner than I'd like. 2014 was going to be my year to be super organised, pacing myself throughout the year, so there'd be no last minute rush. Hmmm - it hasn't happened. All I've made are some pillowcases - one with lace and two with piping.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Board Shorts Refashion...

Refashion a pair of men's boardshorts to a pair of boy's shorts... a very easy project ~ Threading My Way

When packing for our recent holiday, I noticed the elastic had lost its stretch in one of Mr TMW's board shorts. The construction was such that it would be a lot of work to replace the elastic, so I decided to refashion them for Little Mister instead.

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

I'm running a bit late, with this week's features, but here they are - (all will be Pinned)...

An amazing quilt, added to the Quilting & Patchwork link party. Even if it's sad, I like to hear the story behind how and why a quilt is made...

Wedding - Turned Memorial UP Quilt by Jen, from de Jong Dream House

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Free Motion Embroidery ~ Recycling Fabrics

I love the online sewing community, but nothing beats a day sewing in real life with a good friend. Yesterday was one such day. My friend and I sewed and chatted for a whole day. Perhaps it was more chatting than sewing, especially on my part, but it had been seven months since we'd last seen each other at the Quilting Retreat and we had a lot of catching up to do.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Dress Up Costumes ~ Halloween Ideas...

It's only in recent years, that Halloween has started to be celebrated in Australia. It hasn't been adopted by everyone, but is becoming more popular. Wherever you live and whether you celebrate Halloween or not, you couldn't avoid knowing it's happening soon, unless you never, ever spend time online.

As Threading My Way is read by people all around the world, I thought I'd showcase some of my favourite costumes from our Costumes & Pretend Dress Up Clothes link party. Some of them have been sewn specifically for Halloween, whilst others have been worn at birthday parties, special occasions or just made for the dress up box.

Disney Frozen's Little Anna Dress by Annie, from Peaches and Bees

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A very creative idea, added to the Home Decor link party. Maybe this could be adapted with a Christmas theme...

Mini Tag Bunting ~ Tutorial by Ella and Nesta, from Ella & Nesta's Little Room

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Port Stephens Beach Holiday...

We're just back from a fabulous, week's holiday at Port Stephens, about three hours north of Sydney. A beach holiday with family is my idea of a great time. When the kids were little, we had many wonderful holidays in Port Stephens. This time Mr TMW and I went away with our youngest son and his wife. 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Ten FREE Bag and Tote Tutorials...

As of today, there are over 500 fabulous bags and totes linked up to our ongoing Bags & Totes Link Party. If you are looking to make a new bag, handbag or tote, this is the place to look for ideas, tutorials, patterns, pattern reviews and inspiration.

Today I'm showcasing 10 awesome FREE bag and tote tutorials from the Bags & Totes Link Party, here at Threading My Way.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Babushka Appliquéd Child's Tote...

Cass, from Cass Can Sew, has just released her second free appliqué template - Ombre Russian Dolls. I was lucky enough to be involved in testing the pattern. The free pdf download comes in 4 sizes, which gives you the option of printing just the size you need, or making a whole set of nesting dolls.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Sites to Get You Noticed...

You've written a great post, so how do you go about getting it seen? Whenever I write a sewing tutorial, or post about a handy sewing tip, I submit it to various sites, in the hopes that they will feature it. Today I thought I'd show you some sites that have featured my work, as well as others that I plan on submitting my projects to in the future.

Even if you're not interested in having your projects featured, you may find some new to you sites that are full of ideas and inspiration.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A beautiful dress, added to the Dresses for Girls link party. Last week I featured a different variation of the same dress. Looks like it's a versatile pattern...

Secret Garden Dress by Ula, from Lulu & Celeste

Friday, 3 October 2014

What's Happening in October...

A quick heads up on some sewing related happenings in October...

Join Oliver + s for the Cinema Dress / Hide-and-Seek Dress Sew-Along. Walking through the sewing step-by-step, begins Monday, October 13th. Includes adjustments for bust size.

Alyce, from Blossom Heart Quilts, is hosting the Bright Sky Quilt Along. Runs October and November. Lots of great prizes.