Little Miss recently presented me with a bag of sewing that she wanted me to do for her. Amongst the items was the maxi rainbow t-shirt dress I had made her a couple of years ago. It still fitted fine, but she no longer liked how it looked on her.
Embroidery, appliqué, pearl beads, seed beads and felt - all of these elements combine to make two exquisite little round baskets. The larger baskets measures 3" x 2¾", and the smaller basket 2¼" x 2¼". Today's showcased tutorial steps you through the process.
My enthusiasm for sewing is back this year and I am on a roll. And much of that is due to the sewing / blogging community that I love - that's you guys!!!
I have to admit, that the first time I received Spoonflower fabric, I was surprised at the amount of white fabric on all four edges. Somehow or another, I felt I'd been gipped - totally forgetting that I'd been able to order custom designed fabric (not mine) in a very small print run. The disappointment only lasted a minute or two.
Fabric baskets are great for holding all manner of bits and pieces. Add a strap which folds down out of the way when not needed - even better. Today's showcased tutorial will step you through the process.
If you're anything like me, you'll have a healthy stash of little pieces of fabric. Mine is growing at an alarming rate, as I find it hard to throw away even the smallest of scraps. Today I'm sharing 50 projects from the ongoing sewing link parties here at Threading My Way. All can be sewn with small, left over pieces of fabric or with tiny scraps pieced together.
After years of trying various methods, I finally have an efficient system of organising and storing fabric scraps. I always used to feel disorganised, but not any more. Maybe my method will work for you, too...
Little drawstring fabric bags make a great alternative to wrapping paper. They not only look great, but can be reused instead of thrown away like paper. Win win - two gifts in one and no waste!!!
A fabulous refashion added to both the Women's Tops and the Reusing Shirts & Ties link parties. Shows how to deconstruct a shirt so you can make your own...
School children in Australia are on their Summer break - six weeks of holidays. At the end of January when the kids return to school, parents will be faced with the task of providing school supplies for the year. For children in Kindergarten to Year 6, a library bag is one such item that each child needs.
I am feeling very pleased with myself!!! I have just finished 30 easy to sew items in the space of two weeks - a first for me. When sewing multiples of the same thing, my initial enthusiasm usually wanes fairly quickly. I imagine myself sewing heaps and consequently cut out more than I can often finish. But not this time.
If you find yourself in the position of sewing headwear for friends or family undergoing chemotherapy, today's showcased pattern and tutorial may be just what you need.
It's the start of a new year, and after a month with next to no sewing and very little blogging, I'm feeling refreshed and ready to tackle new projects.