Sunday, 31 July 2016

Showcasing ~ Reversible Rope Handle Tote Bag ~ Tutorial

With a reversible bag you do the work for one bag, but in effect, have two different bags - a win win. And it's eco friendly, too! Change bags to suit your mood. Today's bag is not only reversible, the top is made with rope, making it quite unique.

Make a sturdy market tote from canvas and rope. Tutorial at Creative Homemaking.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Showcasing ~ The Ultimate Beach Blanket ~ Tutorial

Ease of use is something that's important to me. Today's project has straps, making it convenient to roll up and carry. It was designed as a large beach blanket, but could just as easily be used for picnics or watching sport.

Make a large beach blanket or picnic rug. Tutorial by So Sew Easy.

Friday, 29 July 2016

The Pressure to Blog on a Regular Basis

or  Why I Don't Show You Everything I Sew

I know I'm not alone when I say that I feel a certain amount of pressure associated with blogging. Sew something - take photos - edit photos - write blog post -->> repeat. The pressure to blog on a regular basis is all self imposed, though (for me, anyway). No one is twisting my arm, it's not a job. So why do I feel pressure?

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Naughts and Crosses Travel Game ~ Tic Tac Toe

Naughts and crosses is a simple paper and pencil game, that has been played by generations of kids. Here in Australia we call it naughts and crosses, but in many parts of the world it is referred to as tic tac toe. I was inspired by Sally, from Wonky Patchwork, to make a travel version of the game in a drawstring bag.

Make a travel tic tac toe game with a simple drawstring bag. Also known as naughts and crosses. Threading My Way

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features (all have been Pinned)...

An awesome refashion, added to the Reusing Shirts & Ties link party.  Thinking outside the square...

Repurposing Men's Dress Shirts into Women's Pants ~ Tutorial by Mariana, from Eco Fashion Sewing... this week's featured blog. Mariana, look out for your blog button in my sidebar. Mariana's blog is a must read if you like  reusing, repurposing and refashioning. Mariana aims to have zero waste with her sewing - something that's not easy to do. Eco Fashion Sewing is full of detailed tutorials and tips. Check out Mariana's gorgeous cardigan refashioned with lace and her Summer dress makeover.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Family Priorities ~ or Who Gets Quilts Made for them FIRST

My first ever quilt, a zig zag quilt, was made for our youngest son in 2012. I was quite justifiably proud of that quilt, mistakes and all. It was a huge learning curve, but perhaps one of the most important things I learned was that no one else sees the mistakes.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Showcasing ~ How to Make a Roman Blind ~ Tutorial

Roman blinds are a cross between curtains and blinds. They are a timeless window covering that creates a soft appearance. Offering complete privacy when closed, and a clear view when opened, Roman blinds can be customised to compliment any home decor.

Learn how to make Roman blinds. A tutorial by Tea and a Sewing Machine.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Skirting the Issue ~ Gathered Skirts

Every July, the girls at Simple Simon and Company host Skirting the Issue - an event encouraging others to sew skirts for girls in foster care. This year they're adding quilts and blankets, too.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Showcasing ~ Makeup Organiser Tutorial

How do you keep your makeup organised for daily use at home, but also stored such that it can be easily grabbed and packed for travel? Today's makeup organiser shows how to do both.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features (all have been Pinned)...

A fabulous tutorial, added to the Sewing Tips & Techniques link party. Little girls, and not so little girls, love ruffles...

How to Make Ruffles ~ Tutorial by Denise, from DIY Crush.... this week's featured blog. Denise, look out for your blog button in my sidebar. DIY Crush is chock a block full of sewing tips and tutorials. As well as writing tutorials herself, Denise features the best tutorials from around the web. You can submit your tutorials for her to check out. Every week she also hosts a link party where you can add your latest projects.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Threading Your Way ~ Reusing Shirts & Ties ~ Link Party

Welcome to the fortieth edition of Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way. Each ongoing, themed link party is steadily growing into a resource full of ideas and inspiration.
    Remember, these linkies are ongoing, so you can continue to add projects throughout the year. Add as many projects as you would like.
    Refashioning, reusing, repurposing & upcycling men's & women's pre-loved shirts. Lots of projects to make - ideas, inspiration, tutorials. Add your own ideas to the link party at Threading My Way

    Our fortieth linky is Reusing Shirts & Ties... anything that has been made with pre-loved woven shirts or blouse - mens or womens - and ties... refashioned, repurposed, reused or upcycled.

    Tuesday, 5 July 2016

    20+ Projects to Make from Pre-loved Shirts

    After repurposing a bunch of shirts into a shirt quilt, and a cushion that uses a button placket, I still have a tonne of old shirting left over, so I'm on the lookout for more ideas. I had a browse through the 39 ongoing, themed sewing link parties, here at Threading My Way and found lots of inspiration.

    20+ free projects to sew from men's old shirts and women's blouses. Repurpose, refashion and upcycle pre-loved shirts. Threading My Way

    Sunday, 3 July 2016

    Showcasing ~ Jeanette Dress Free Sewing Pattern

    It's great when Indie designers offer some of their sewing patterns for free. With so many new designers around, sampling a free pattern enables us to see the style, standard and suitability for our needs. Today's post will introduce you to a designer who offers many of her patterns for free.

    Jeanette Dress Free Sewing Pattern by On the Cutting Floor. A semi fitted knit dress featuring a round neckline and flared raglan sleeves.

    Saturday, 2 July 2016

    Showcasing ~ How to Appliqué a Modern Sunbonnet Sue

    The traditional Sunbonnet Sue has been around since the beginning of the 20th Century, featuring not only in quilting and embroidery, but in books, too. Today's Sunbonnet Sue is a modern take on the old favourite.

    Learn how to make a modern, artsy Sunbonnet Sue appliquéd quilt block. Tutorial ~ made by ChrissieD.