Monday, 6 October 2014

Sites to Get You Noticed...

You've written a great post, so how do you go about getting it seen? Whenever I write a sewing tutorial, or post about a handy sewing tip, I submit it to various sites, in the hopes that they will feature it. Today I thought I'd show you some sites that have featured my work, as well as others that I plan on submitting my projects to in the future.

Even if you're not interested in having your projects featured, you may find some new to you sites that are full of ideas and inspiration.

I'm not talking regular link parties in this post. The sites that I'm mentioning, are, in the main, curators showcasing the work of others. Many, but not all, are large sites that could potentially send a lot of traffic your way.

Most of the posts I have had featured are tutorials, but I have had other posts showcased as well. Each site varies as to the type of projects they will accept.

Many of the sites come under the broad umbrella of craft, whilst others are quite specific in what they promote. Obviously I have a bent towards sewing, but I have included other sites as well.

Submit sewing tutorials, projects, and tips to Threading Your Way with Threading My Way. As well as regular group features, outstanding tutorials and tips are showcased in their own separate blog post.

With the exception of Google, AllFreeSewing is my highest referring site. You can submit patterns, links, tips or tutorials for publication. Once you have a few projects featured, AllFreSewing will set up a profile for you. Here's mine.

They are talking about me at CraftGossip.comI get lots of traffic from CraftGossip when they feature one of my projects. I submit mainly tutorials, but you can submit crafty ideas, gossip or stories that are relevant to many different types of crafts.

I've recently had several projects added to FaveQuilts, a new to me site. As FaveQuilts is published by the same parent company as AllFreeSewing, I'm hoping that this will generate a lot of traffic. As long as it involves some sort of quilting, you can submit your project. It doesn't have to be a full size quilt.

my craftgawker galleryI've only had 5 photos accepted by CraftGawker. Submissions are based on photo quality, hence my many, many rejections. It's worth persisting, though. You need to set up an account to submit projects.

I was featured on Fun Family CraftsFun Family Crafts only features tutorials. The craft project must be for children (toddler to teen), either to be made by a child, or for a child. Here are the projects I've had accepted. You need to set up an account.

Totally Tutorials BlogTotally Tutorials feature tutorials, recipes and patterns. It can be craft related, a recipe, blog tutorial, pattern, pretty much anything as long as it describes each step and has photos along the way. At times, the submission form is closed and I assuming this is when Kym has too many submissions.

Freeneedle features sewing patterns, tutorials and projects. Freeneedle doesn't seem to refer as much traffic as it used to, but still worth the effort as the submission form only takes a couple of minutes to fill out.

I get a lot of traffic from Sewing 4 Free. Run by Mayra from So Sew EasySewing 4 Free features free sewing patterns and tutorials. 

As well as sewing tutorials, recipes and crafts can be submitted to DIY Crush, by filling out the submission form.

Sewing Tutorials is a new site. Launched last week by Sewing Bee FabricsSewing Tutorials features sewing, hand sewing, machine embroidery and quilting tutorials. Fill out the submission form.

Sewing tutorials can be submitted to Apple Green Cottage, by filling out the submission form.

Pattern Pile features bag patterns and tutorials. I haven't submitted anything in a while, but still receive traffic. There's a contact page where you can submit projects.

DIY Cozy Home features crafts, DIY projects and recipes, amongst other things, to a huge audience.

FaveCrafts features craft projects, home decor ideas and DIY tips. To submit a link to one of your posts, fill out the submission form. Projects may be featured on FaveCraft's sister sites. You will need to have an account to submit your project.

AllFreeHolidayCrafts feature holiday craft projects, representing holidays around the world. You will need to have an account to submit your project.

AllFreeKidsCrafts publish crafts for all age kids - from toddlers to teens. They feature a wide variety of project types, including nature crafts and edible crafts. You will need to have an account to submit your project.

30 Minute Crafts, as the name implies, features craft projects which can be completed in 30 minutes or less.

Oh! Crafts features original craft ideas - inspiration and original craft ideas for weddings, parties, children, home decoration, gifts, cards, personal accessories and templates. To submit a link, fill out the contact us form.

Oh! Sweet Babies features ideas on babies and kids - inspiration, ideas and original details for babies and kids such as decoration, accessories, toys, crafts, gifts, parties and recipes. To submit a link, fill out the contact us form.

Oh! Party features ideas for parties - inspiration, ideas and original details for the decoration of children and adults parties, with invitations, gifts, games and recipes. To submit a link, fill out the contact us form.

Oh! Weddings featured ideas for weddings - inspiration, ideas and original details for weddings, grooms and brides as gifts, jewellery and accessories, dresses and suits, stationery and decoration. To submit a link, fill out the contact us form.

Dollar Store Crafts publishes posts about crafting at dollar store prices. Fill out the form to submit your cool cheap crafts.

Make and Takes is a parenting site sharing kids crafts, home projects, easy recipes and parenting tips. The site features ideas to make and take. To submit a link, fill out the contact form.

Recycled Art features creative ideas based on Repurposed, Recycled, Reused, Reclaimed, Upcycled and Restored Things - includes sewn projects. To submit your project, fill out the contact us form.

Geek Crafts features crafts which are geeky and cool. To submit your links, fill out the form.

Inspiration DIY features crafts, sewing, home decor, wedding and holiday ideas. Fill out the form to submit your projects.

Free Quilt Patterns only features quilt patterns and tutorials that are free. Fill out the form to submit your quilt pattern or tutorial

Arte com Tecidos features a wide variety of sewn projects, with a particular emphasis on bags, totes, baskets and zippered pouches. I get a lot of traffic when one of my projects is featured. Email your projects to Regina (link in the sidebar).

Hometalk is a home and garden site, featuring DIY projects such as crafts, home decor, repurposing, makeovers and green living. You will need to become a member to contribute

Threadistry is a new sewing site. Anyone with a confirmed user account can add patterns or tutorials. There is also a Sew & Tell section, for adding projects made with patterns or tutorials written by others.

What sites are you favourites, either for submitting your projects, or for ideas and inspiration?

... Pam


  1. This is VERY helpful- thank you for putting it together! :)

  2. I don't check the referring site stuff, or worry about any of the "metrics" of blogging - I just like to sew in my basement, look on the internet for fun new ideas, and post pictures of my stuff for my family and friends :D It's fun and I get to chat with other crafty people around the world - anything more than that starts to seem like work to me, so I just keep it simple - getting Blogger to do even simple things is enough of a challenge for me :)

    You've linked to a ton of sites that sound like good resources for crafty ideas, so I'll be checking them out! SewSet is a bit familiar to me - I bought an adorable rocket zippy pattern from them a while ago :D

  3. Thanks Pam, I too had not heard of all of them - I had a big spike of traffic & increase in followers through a tutorial being featured in an AllFreeSewing newsletter. I also belong to two StumbleUpon submitting Facebook pages, and had a couple of spikes in traffic through posts being popular on StumbleUpon

  4. Thank you for putting this list together, it looks really useful for blogging and just as a sewing resource. And lots of apologies for way back in July, you very wonderfully featured one of my projects on 'Threading your Way - Features', and at the time I had a mix of computer problems and hectic Summer and I didn't manage to reply to any comments etc for about a month. I've been trying to back track and catch up but it's getting further and further in the past so stranger and stranger to be sending replies now! So anyway, thank you very much for featuring my project, I really didn't mean to be so rude and ignore it, and I always enjoy the features and your other posts too.

  5. Great list Pam! A few new ones for me to check out :) I find Craft Gossip a lot more selective than they used to be.

  6. A winning post Pam...thanks for the tips. Craft Gossip once picked-up a post of mine & I'm still getting hundreds of links each month for the post they featured....a miracle for a small timer like me!

  7. Again, super useful! Pam, you're incredible. The list is a great resource and I believe will help many new bloggers and crafters. And - I dont' know how but you manage to answer all my questions these days - sometimes even before I'm aware of them :) I just keep landing on your posts. Thanks! Hugs from Europe, Damjana

  8. Several new sites that I haven't heard of before. Great round-up, Pam!

  9. Thanks Pam. I do my tutorials where they are free on Craftsy because it can be downloaded in a pdf format there. If I submitted a tutorial to one of these sites you featured on your post and told them it was on Craftsy, would they want that? Or do they prefer the tutorials be on your blog itself? I sometimes wonder if I should do both or not? I have my patterns/tutorials that are free downloaded thousands of times each month, which is really nice to see those stats.

    Thanks for your info Pam. As always you are so helpful.

  10. Wow, these are a lot of sites! I use sew set and I have got a lot of traffic in some of my tutorials (from there)

  11. Hi Pam - This is Julia from FaveCrafts - thanks so much for mentioning our site! Please do stop by and see what we have to offer! On FaveCrafts, we post full projects/patterns, but our sister sites (AllFreeKidsCrafts and AllFreeHolidayCrafts to name a few) publish link outs. Feel free to submit links to projects here: Thanks!

    1. I'll definitely be checking them out, Julia. I have amended the link for

  12. Thank you so much for this, Pam! I actually only knew AllFreeSewing (which nevers features my tutos) and CraftGossip (which always features my tutos). Happy to find some more sources!

  13. Well thank-you, thank-you! For about 3 yrs now, I've been on AllFreeSewing email list and always wondered how to submit one of my tuts to them. Never could find that 'submit' page. This is a very informative site. My blog is a bit on hold now as we are ending the second week of my Mother in a Hospice House.

  14. thank you for posting this! It's very helpfull! stopping by from the Create it Thursday link party

    1. My pleasure. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  15. Thank you for posting this! Ive been featured on a few sites but I hadn't heard of most of the ones on your list. Pinning for later.

  16. Thanks a million for doing the hard work for us, Pam! I will definitely be submitting to a couple of these.

  17. Nice list, I will keep this in mind the next time I do a craft or sewing post.

    visiting from Say G'Day

  18. Thanks so much for sharing this list. There's a few on there we haven't visited before - so will certainly try them out! Visiting from #Say G'Day Saturday x

  19. I appreciate this post! Thank you.

  20. I've tried to CraftGawker but somehow the traffic is not as good as it was before.

  21. Thank you for mentioning You are correct, submissions can be sent through our contact form. Or a quick email.

  22. Do you ever post the same tutorial on multiple sites or is that bad etiquette?

  23. Wow! This is great! I'm sorry I missed this post when it first came out. I've bookmarked and will try to gradually link something up in free moments. :) Thank you!!

  24. Thank you SO much for this list! For a newbie, this is a goldmine of information and I really appreciate it!

  25. Tanks , I use IFTTT to cross promote m my content on m,y social platforms, WordPress ,stumbleupon, rss feeds, Facebook and Google are my highest referrers. Dont know why it took me long to setup my wordpress and feedburner accounts.

  26. Absolute list, Pam!

    What a great idea for a blog post. You are so kind and generous with all the information on your website!

    Thank you for what you do.

    1. Hope some of these sites bring more traffic to Eco Fashion Sewing, Mariana.

  27. I forgot about these sites! Thank you for posting a reminder about them Pam!


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