Saturday, 6 May 2017

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features (all have been Pinned)...

A lovely cardigan, added to the Jackets & Coats link party. A long cardigan is a must have...

Long Cardigan ~ Free Pattern & Tutorial by Mayra, from So Sew Easy... this week's featured blog. Mayra, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.  So Sew Easy is chock a block full of free sewing patterns, tutorials and tips. If you sew bags or women's clothes, add So Sew Easy to your blog list.

One of the best bags I've seen made from a pair of jeans - added to the Denim Refashioning link party. I love the way the buttons and leather are used...

Jeans Upcycled into a Bag by Klaudia, from Klaudia's Kreativ World

A very pretty bag, added to the Drawstring Bags link party. An awesome way to embellish a plain bag...

Embroidered Sampler Bag by Julie, from Some of their Stories

A super cute apron, added to the Dolls' Clothes link party. With a link to a matching apron for a little girl...

Reversible Doll Ruffle Apron ~ Free Pattern & Tutorial by Lindsay, from PA Country Crafts

Some amazing canvas work, added to the Embroidery, Stitching & Appliqué link party. I look forward to seeing this finished...

Canvaswork Update - Filling Gaps, Castle & Sky by Catherine, from Hillview Embroidery

And a fun crocheted doll, added to the Softies, Dolls & Toys link party.

Harry Potter Doll, from doll Crochetka

Head on over and visit these talented ladies. Leave them a comment... #ThreadingMyWay

Follow Pam ~ Threading My Way's board Threading My Way ~ Features on Pinterest.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Hello Pam,
    Thank you for your wonderful presentation / links to great works!
    I always like to look at your blog, there is always interesting to read and look.

    Greetings Klaudia

  2. Thanks for featuring my embroidered bag Pam, when I eventually managed to get it on the right linky! The Harry Potter doll is just fab isn't it - great features this week.

  3. Thanks for featuring my embroidery Pam! What brilliant projects they all are! And I think I need that long cardigan!

  4. Another free 18" inch doll pattern to add to my Pinterest free doll pattern collection! Cute, cute.

  5. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *sigh* what I wouldn't have done for a dolly apron (with one to fit me too, OMG) when I was a kiddo - my doll Velvet would have looked smashing with one :D

  6. Thanks so much!!! I shared this on fb, too.


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