Saturday, 18 August 2012

Ten Fabulous Totes...

Our Bags and Totes Link Party has been the most popular of our ongoing link parties by a long stretch, so for this week's features, I'm going to show you the ten totes that have been the most viewed since Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way began at the beginning of this year.

The most popular bag, which has been viewed 173 times via the Bags and Totes Link Party, is Kristin's awesome Goldfish Tote.

Kristin, from Pritty Tings, made the Goldfish Tote as her entry in the Solids Only Tote Challenge and has written a comprehensive, step by step tutorial on how she made it.

Next up:

The Multi Tasker by Courtney, from Mon Petite Lyons

The Bucket Bag by Fiona, from Handmade by Fiona

Patchwork Bag by Juliet, from Tartankiwi

The Buttercup Bag by Fay, from Monkey Makes Three

The Tohoku Tote by Ros, from Sew Delicious

Recessed Zip by Juliet, from Tartankiwi

Laptop Bag by Fiona, from Handmade by Fiona

Little Girl's Purse by Shoregirl, from Shoregirl's Creations

Hipster Purse by Nikki, from Lilybug Designs

Ten awesome bags and totes. Head on over and see how these ten talented ladies have made their creations. You'll find links to patterns and tutorials, as well as lots of inspiration.

For more ideas and inspiration, have a look at the fabulous line up of 220 bags already shared at the Bags and Totes Link Party. If you've made a bag or tote yourself, I'd love you to link it up.

Each week, I will place a blog button, belonging to the blog which was most viewed, in my sidebar. The all time most viewed link since Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way began, is the Goldfish Tote. Kristin, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open all year. You can add links to any party at any time. I will continue to do features each week throughout the year.

... Pam


  1. Thanks for the feature Pam! I've had a lot of love for that bag :) Thanks everyone! x

  2. Those are some fab totes! Nice to see Kristen's Solids-Only tote getting some more recognition.

  3. Wow! Two features in one post! Thank you so much Pam (and everyone who has visited)

  4. Lots of awesome bags! Thanks for the feature.

  5. Thanks do much for featuring my multi-tasker. I love all of the bags!!

  6. Thank you Pam and all the creative ladies ,, you inspired me... was just looking at some old [ falling apart] pants ,, and you inspired me turn them into [another] bag ...


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