Sunday, 12 August 2012

Appliquéd Singlet...

Sewing an appliqué onto a singlet is such a quick and easy little project. I just love the soccer fabric. I have no idea where I purchased it, but it's the very last scrap I have.

This little singlet will be part of a baby gift for a friend.

You can see tutorials and tips I've written showing how to appliqué herehere and here.

... Pam


  1. So cute! Love that applique.

  2. It's not the applique that is awkward, it the applique onto an already made garment! That is the bit I find difficult, but you have done it beautifully!

  3. Love that Pam! Such gorgeous fabric!

  4. This is just darling! I love the retro style of the fabric, those little soccer players are precious!

  5. I just love that fabric!!! It's funny that you should post this, as I was just thinking yesterday, that I need to applique some of the singlets that I have hear that Hannah didn't ever wear when she was smaller.

  6. Mammafairy after some `obligatory Appliques` that were meant to cover holes or stains, i became an expert in applique on a Ready made clothing item.....[ smiling at you!!]

    Pam this is wonderful and thank you for a new word Singlet ??? do not remember ever seeing it ? We call it Goofia in Hebrew [ from goof = body], and i usally know it as Undershirt in American, and Vest in English ....

  7. As to me this is a vest i invite you to read an article i wrote some years ago about the linguistics of the word VEST


  8. That print is just adorable!!!

  9. What a cute singlet! Love the applique design!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  10. It's so cute. It looks vintage :-)

  11. Love that sweet print! It has such a darling vintage appeal. :)


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