Monday, 20 August 2012

Just For a Laugh...

You may remember my Petal Pocket Pillow that I made and posted about at the end of July. In that post I referred to the ryhme, Ten in the Bed...

There were ten in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over.
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were nine in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over.
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

and so on until there are none in the bed.

Well, I thought we'd be able to squeeze five in our pocket pillow bed. I bought some pink felt to make five cute, little dolls. How hard could it be?
  • Cut out a doll shape
  • Sew with seams on the outside
  • Fill
  • Close the gap
  • Embroider the face and hair
  • Dress

So far so good. Nothing fancy: a basic doll shape sewn and filled. OK, time to embroider the face and I use the term embroider rather loosely.

How scary does the doll look now!!!

They all look odd and creepy!!! The mauve one looks rather monkey like. This is NOT how I envisaged my little dolls would look. Somehow they don't look like the cute, little dolls that were in my mind... LOL!!! My TMW and I had a bit of a laugh and I decided perhaps I shouldn't give these things to a child. I didn't want to be responsible for nightmares.

Hmmm. What to do? I really didn't want to start again. Perhaps when I sewed some clothes they'd look more presentable.

I left my creations and went to meet a friend for lunch. My friend was late and so I filled in time browsing through the ABC Shop.

I left the shop with my problem solved. I hadn't planned on buying anything, but I couldn't resist.

Four finger puppets from the ABC show Play School; Jemima, Humpty, Big Ted and Little Ted. We'd have Four in the Bed. I was so pleased my friend was late.

My kids used to watch Play School when they were little and the show is still running. It's a great show for kids, as they have to use their imagination. No, I'm not being paid to say this.

Here's the Petal Pocket Pillow ready to give as a present.

Recently, I've been wrapping presents in pillow cases I've made. This 20" x 20" cushion wouldn't fit in a pillow case, but there is one tucked behind the books.

I've entered this cushion into the 2 in 1 Sewing Challenge, hosted by Rikka, from Ricochet and Away. I definitely haven't entered my creepy dolls into the challenge. You can read the details about my Petal Pocket Pillow here.

Voting is still open for the 2 in 1 Challenge, so head on over and vote for your favourite project.

Now, if you leave me a comment saying that my felt dolls are OK, I'll seriously question your judgement and taste... LOL!!! 

... Pam


  1. Pam i like the fellows ,,,maybe you could dress them up with Beards and/or Mustaches, add embroidered glasses etc.... and don`t forget some shorts,,,,, you can always say they just were swimming and have salty water in their eyes !!!

  2. Or gift them to a zombie dolls!!
    Your Playschool dolls look right at home in their pouch!

  3. haha, that is funny Pam. The same thing has happened to me many times before. My mind is so much kinder to my creations than my ability is sometimes :)

    1. I definitely over estimated my ability to embroider... LOL!!!

  4. Hmmm isn't there another book called '10 Cheeky Monkeys Jumping on the Bed'? (one fell off and bumped his head!) Perhaps you could adapt them with a tail and make them monkeys instead!

  5. hee hee hee! I thought they were male strippers!!

    I remember Play School so well. It's not still on over here though, it finished decades ago.

  6. I love the cushion and the playschool dolls have made me all nostalgic!!


  7. Those playschool finger puppets are great.. I love that playschool is still running after all these years, I loved it growing up!

    The cushion looks great with them all tucked up inside it too!

  8. Awww... we've all been there! Thanks for the chuckles this morning!

  9. Yes, but Humpty didn't look quite like that!
    I think you should sew a belly button on your dolls, and they will look less scary! Then you can dress them!

  10. LOL! The presentation of the finger puppets and books is MUCH, MUCH better.:)

  11. sell them as voodoo dolls? :)

  12. Thanks for your honest post. It can be hard to put time into a project and then admit it's not working. The pocket pillow is a cute idea, though.

  13. lol, Pam! The pillow looks great with the finger puppets!

  14. Your dolls reminded me of the gingerbread man in Shrek movie :D

  15. lol! I think it's the embroidered hair that makes them look scary. I don't think they'd look that bad with clothes on. ;)
    By the way, I saw your pretty block for the Quilt Block Challenge over at Ricochet's blog and I've voted for you!

  16. Hehe! I like them! Kids love awkward looking toys... it's us grown ups that are fussy. Great post!


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