Sunday, 15 January 2012

How Does Your Blog Look ~ Open in New Window

Have you ever noticed, when clicking on a link, that sometimes the link opens in a new window and sometimes it opens in the same window? Does it matter whether it opens in the same or a new window?

I always like my links to open in a new window. If I am linking to somewhere on my own blog, I'm not too worried whether it opens in a new window or not. If, however, I am linking to someone else's site, I definitely want it to open in a new window.

I only link to sites I like. Chances are, my readers will also like the sites I am referring them to. Much as I want my readers to explore the linked sites, I don't want them to forget where they have come from. I want them to be able to come back to my site. If my site is still open in a tab or window, they can easily come back.

Here's how to ensure links open in new windows if you are using Blogger...

When you create a link, the following dialogue box will appear. Make sure you tick the box, Open this link in a new window.

This applies to both links from text or photos. If you are linking to another page or site from a photo:
  • click on the photo (It will automatically be linked, even though you haven't linked it.)
  • click link to unlink the photo
  • click back on the photo
  • click link and add the link

There is another way to make a link open in a new window. It involves editing the html and adding the following:


I use this for all of my photos that are not linked to another page, such as the screen shot above.

Here is the beginning of the code for the screen shot above:
<a href="

To make it open in a new window, I insert target="_blank" so it looks like this:
<a target="_blank" href="

Blogger will then move target="_blank" to where it wants it. You can look at where Blogger moves the code and type it directly there. I find the above an easy location to remember.

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  1. Thanks for the great info...I will being ticking that box from now on. I hate when you click on a link and it open in the same window.


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