Sunday, 29 January 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

It looks like we sew more for our little ones, than we do for ourselves. I know I do. I wonder why? I think for me, part of the reason is that I feel I can experiment a little with kids' clothes. Kids are generally more forgiving, or won't even notice, if a sewing project doesn't exactly go according to plan.

I'm determined that I will sew something for myself in the next couple of months. Maybe putting it on here will make me actually get around to doing it.

I've enjoyed looking at the fabulous dresses that have been linked up. Don't forget, this is an ONGOING linky which will remain open all year. So, if you do sew a dress for yourself, we'd love to see it.

And now, onto some features...

According to Mr Linky, the most viewed women's dresses were:
And another which also caught my eye:
Some striking new bags added:
And two cute, little girls' dresses:

Head on over and visit these talented ladies. 

Each week, I will place a blog button, belonging to the blog which was most viewed, in my sidebar. The most viewed link this week was New Look 6750. Christie, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Remember, all of our link parties are ongoing. You can add projects at any time.

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Oooh thank you Pam, and thanks everyone for clicking on my project (I still have not worn the dress anywhere!!) I definitely sew more for my children, but I have sewn quite a few tops for myself.
    Bummer I don't have a blog button Pam, I've been meaning to create one, but I'm waiting on my digital artist (sister) to finish my new Joyfoolery logo.
    Thanks again, your linkies are great fun! xx

  2. I like to sew for my kids because it goes much faster! Small garment=less time until the project is finished. It is also nice to sew clothes that do not require much in the way of alteration. :D I hate pattern altering and I have to do A LOT of it to get something other than a skirt to fit nicely. :P

    1. I'm not overly keen on altering patterns, either, but I'm getting better at it.

  3. Thanks for the feature Pam. I am definitely one who is guilty of sewing for others but not for myself... will have change that soon!

  4. Thank you, Pam! I appreciate you hosting the link parties and all the comments you've left me. I really enjoy reading your blog, too. Great inspiration!

  5. Pam, thank you so much for the feature of my stitched eco bag and love to view others posts. I also like to do sewing for kids, yes, faster and they don't mind if not too perfect. I hope to link my nuno felt dresses later. Thanks for hosting.

  6. All looks great! I have to say I sew more for myself as I use it as time to myself !

  7. Thank you so much for featuring my twirly dress!!! :)


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    Everything happened just in 3 days..

    I RECOMMEND YOU TO __________________

    Thanks Robinsonbuckler11 (@) gmail com


    Doris Bowen


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