Tuesday 17 January 2012

Versatile Blogger Award...

I have been totally slack. Three people have passed this award on to me and I haven't passed it on. First was Adrianne, from Happy Hour Projects, last September. Yes, that's right; over 3 months ago. In November, Tanya, from Craft Couture by T.C. and in December, Sana, from Sana Saroti, passed on the award. Thank you Adrianne, Tanya and Sana. You each made my day.

Adrianne's blog is all about do-it-yourself projects that can be completed in an hour or less. On Happy Hour Projects, Adrianne shows us crafting that can be fitted into our busy schedules.

Tanya shares her passion for sewing on Craft Couture by T.C.  Amongst many other things, Tanya makes the most gorgeous purses and bags.

Sana Saroti is largely about quilting and sewing. Sana shares with us her adventures into the world of quilting.

Head on over to these three fabulous blogs. You'll be pleased you did!!!

Here are the rules for accepting the Versatile Blogger Award:
  1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
  4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

OK... 7 things about me:
  1. I own a motor bike.
  2. I once went to two Cher concerts in one week.
  3. I'm addicted to chocolate.
  4. I love gardening.
  5. I exercise by doing Zumba, even though I'm unco as.
  6. I dislike housework.
  7. I don't cook.

And now... 15 blogs I enjoy reading, in no particular order:
  1. Amy, from A Home, Made. You just have to look at Amy's amazing Puffle Skirt.
  2. Christie, from Joyfoolery. Amongst other things, Christie loves to upcycle and repurpose. She recently shared a brilliant tutorial on creating perfectly rounded edges on pockets.
  3. Erin, from Missy Mac Creations. Erin makes the best appliquéd pillows I have ever seen. 
  4. Sherry, from What I Made Today. Sherry makes the most gorgeous girls' dresses and gives reviews on the patterns she has used.
  5. Jessica, from Sewing Our Life Together. Have a look at Jessica's awesome vintage dress, made with a pattern she drafted herself.
  6. Desirée, from The 36th Avenue. You won't believe the amazing makeover Desirée has just done on her Craft room.
  7. Kate, from My Very Own Happy Ending. Kate shares her fascinating thoughts on her life's journey.
  8. Katie, from Unconventional Katie. Sewing, pottery, knitting, painting, quilting... you name it, Katie blogs about it.
  9. Kenda, from Kenda's Crafts. Kenda makes awesome, little, knitted creatures.
  10. Lindsay, from PA Country Crafts. I have just found Lindsay's blog. She sews the most beautiful girls' dresses.
  11. Fiona, from Handmade By Fiona. I am in awe of the wide variety of professionally made bags that Fiona has made. 
  12. Tanya, from Wee Little Birds. Tanya loves to quilt and shares her fabulous creations.
  13. Kadie, from Seven Alive. Kadie's blog is full of fabulous crafting ideas for around the home.
  14. Jill, from Creating My Way to Success. Repurposing, recycling, upcycling,  refashioning and transforming... you'll find it all on Jill's blog.
  15. Terrie, from Terrie ~.~Smiling... Terrie creates the most amazing fabrics, complete with her fascinating eco dyeing.

Head on over to these fabulous blogs and say, Hello. You will find so many inspiring ideas. Again, thank you Adrianne, Tanya and Sana, for passing the award on to me. You really did make my day.

If I've passed the award on to you and you'd prefer not to pass it on, no worries.

Have you had a look at our three ongoing link parties? Head on over for lots of fabulous ideas and inspiration. Link up your bags and dresses...

... Pam


  1. Congratulations on the well-deserved award, Pam! :) and you have been awarded 3 times..how cool!
    There are many blogs on your list that I have never visited...I will have to check them out.
    Also, thank you very much for the mention. :))

  2. I never even knew about the versatile blogger award before, but all the sudden it is the most important thing to me! Thanks for the acknowledgement! And, congrats to you for winning not once, but three times! You certainly deserve it; I enjoy your blog very much. :)

  3. Pam, you deserved it. You're creative and your blog is inspiring. You're generous to share your way of making. I've viewed some of your blog list, very impressive.

  4. Thanks so much for the award Pam and congratulations on receiving so much recognition on your wonderful blog. You really don't cook?!

    1. Mr TMW would like me to publicly acknowledge that HE does all the cooking. Aren't I lucky!!! Yes, he reads my blog, too.

  5. Congratulations Pam! Two Cher concerts in one week, you wild woman lol

  6. Thank you so much for passing on the award! :)

    I, too, have a chocolate addiction.

  7. Thanks for the award Pam - I'm very flattered!!


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    I told the relationship doctor everything,

    He promised to fix my relationship problem.

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    Never too late to fix your broken heart.

    You can still get your lover back...

    Fix broken relationship/marriage...

    My relationship was restored as promised,

    My Ex-boyfriend came back,

    He promised never to leave me again

    Everything happened just in 3 days..

    I RECOMMEND YOU TO __________________

    Thanks Robinsonbuckler11 (@) gmail com


    Doris Bowen


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