Saturday 5 November 2016

12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges ~ Cards from Boxes

A handmade card conveys the message that a lot of thought has been put into the gift. It's personal and means so much more than a store bought card.

Make gift tags and Christmas cards from old cereal boxes ~ Threading My Way

Today's challenge - Challenge #4
Use an old cereal box (or another box), plus some supplies you find in your home, to make a Christmas card. Jill sets the challenge...

Much of our food comes packaged in cardboard boxes - cereal, muesli bars, biscuits, pasta - the list is endless. If you're like me, the boxes are thrown in the recycling bin. Yep, that's good, but finding another use for the boxes is even better. Making cards from boxes saves money, too.

Thrifty Christmas Gift Tags made using the insert from a wine box.

I love these gift tags - simple, effective and low cost. Ros, from Sew Delicious, made them using the insert from a wine box.

Reusable Christmas Cards made with old jeans and cereal boxes.

Jill's Christmas cards are not only made from jeans and cereal boxes, they are reusable, too. Inside each card is a clear plastic pocket for inserting a handwritten message. Each new recipient can remove the old message, insert their own and give it to another person. I wonder if Jill will ever get one of her cards back?

Check out the following clever ideas...

Now it's over to you. What ideas do you have for card making with boxes? Add your cards to the link party. It will remain open till Christmas.

The 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges is brought to you by...

... Pam

1 comment:

  1. What great ideas! I love the thought of making Christmas tags from cereal boxes. I don't ever buy Christmas tags.


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