Monday, 6 February 2012

How Does Your Blog Look ~ Quick Editing and Pinterest

If you are like me, you can't live without quick editing on your Blogger blog. If you have quick editing enabled on your blog, you'll see a little pencil at the bottom of each post. Clicking on that pencil enables you to edit that post.

If you don't have quick editing enabled, go to Settings / Basic /

However, a few days ago, I noticed that there were no more pencils at the bottom of each post. Quick editing had disappeared!!! It was a long process to edit a post. I was not a happy little bunny!!!

As I always do in cases such as this, I searched Google. I thought I had found the answer, but it didn't work. Mr TMW found the fix for me. Oh, I came so close: I was using a (.) when I needed to be using a (/).

Google is rolling out a country redirect to its Blogspot pages, starting with Australia, New Zealand and India. What it means for me, is that Blogspot pages I view, are now redirected to an Australian address. eg; ..... now gets redirected to
It doesn't matter where the blogspot blog originates from, if I am reading it in Australia, it will be redirected to the Australian address. It's apparently all to do with content removal for the law in specific countries. I'm guessing that with the blogs I read, there will be no difference to the content.  You can read the Google/Blogger FAQs on the topic here.

So, what's this got to do with quick editing? Somehow, quick editing has disappeared along with the new country redirect rollout. To overcome the quick editing problem, I need to alter the country redirect. To do that, add  (/ncr) at the end of a blogspot address. Using my address as an example: ... the actual address ... the redirected address ... the no country redirect address, which will then appear as...

Adding /ncr will stop redirection of your blog for that session. Add your blog to your bookmarks and add the /ncr to the bookmarked address, otherwise you will have to add it every time you log in.

Other blogs you view will still be redirected. Blogspot blogs with their own domain are apparently not affected by the rollout.

Most people know how to see their projects that are pinned on Pinterest:

No matter where you live, you now have extra addresses to check:

How Does Your Blog Look ~ Master List

.. Pam


  1. Thank you for these tips, Pam!
    I wonder how you add a pin it button at the bottom of your post. :) I remember seeing it.

  2. Hi Pam, thanks ... Very informative xx Rach

  3. Thanks Pam for the informative piece.

  4. Quick edit is one of my best friends.

  5. Arrrggghhhh! Why do they always have make things so difficult? Just as soon as I figure something out, they change it up! That's life, I suppose. Thanks for the info Pam. I'm pinning it.

  6. So many changes Pam...they are all so hard to keep up with these days.

  7. Your blogging tips are so valuable! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  8. I'm not sure I entirely understand this so I'm going to reread it again (and again?). I have pinned it though, because it sounds like eventually I am going to need it. Thanks so much for doing all the legwork for this!!! And for sharing at our Link It Up Thursday party.

  9. Argh!!! They just messed with us all again. First followes and now this. Thanks for the amazing tutorial.

    And thanks so much for taking part in our Pin'Inspiration Party. Hope that you are having as much fun exploring as I am and that you'll take part in helping the "Beat the Winter Blues" on Saturday.

  10. Hmm...didn't know this. Thanks for sharing! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  11. Very helpful!!! Thanks for sharing at my party!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! XO, Aimee

  12. Thanks so much Pam!!
    I was really wondering about the quick editing button and the blogger change... this really helped... thanks again...

  13. Hi Pam. I tried your suggestion but where it stops the redirect it doesn't bring back the pencil.

    FWIW You're lucky you're not in a non-English speaking country as Google has gotten much more aggressive with insisting on using the address of the IP language. So now it tries to make everything French for me despite all my settings, and then it tries to "fix that" by popping up Google Translate to make everything English again.

    1. Hi Mike, Have just done a quick test and it appears that now the Quick Editing Pencil is still there even if you don't add /ncr .... as long as you have Quick Editing enabled...
      Settings > Basic > Show Quick Editing > Yes
      I'm using the old Blogger interface, so may be slightly different if using the new interface.

      English to French to English could produce some interesting translations...


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