Monday, 20 February 2012

Project Recycle ~ Week 3 Entry...

Voting is over for Round 3 of Project Recycle, so now I can show you my entry. The brief was to make something from t-shirts.

Week 3 ~ Project Recycle...

I began with this pile of old t-shirts, but ended up not using the yellow t-shirt. All three garments I used had been women's t-shirts.

First up was to alter the neck line to suit a little girl.

Secondly, the t-shirt needed to be recut to a much smaller size. I used a child's t-shirt as a guide.
  • Cut off the sleeves.
  • Cut new armholes.
  • Take width from the sides.
  • Shorten the sleeves.
  • Reattach the new sleeves.
  • Finish the bottom of the sleeve with a band.

I used this pattern as a size guide for cutting the strips for the skirt. I tried attaching a strip at the bottom, as in the pattern, but it didn't work. I used yellow for the strip and as the colours didn't work together, I unpicked the bottom strip. Unpicking a thread on stretch fabric is not fun! As I didn't have any t-shirts in a suitable colour, I decided to make the outfit without the strip at the bottom, making it a top rather than a dress.

Gathering and attaching the skirt, should have been a quick process, but in reality it wasn't. The floral t-shirt and the green t-shirt were made from different types of stretch fabric. I think you would call the floral one a jersey. The green fabric was much thicker. Getting the gathers even was not easy, however, in the end it all turned out fine.
  • Join the eight strips to form the skirt.
  • Hem.
  • Gather the top of the skirt.
  • Attach to the black t-shirt.

And to finish off, I used a black tie that was originally on the floral t-shirt. I used this tutorial to make the fabric flower. Originally, I wasn't happy with the flower, as it turned out much larger and bulkier than the original, because I had made it from t-shirting, rather than a cotton fabric. However, when I added the extra green circle, plus the large button, it worked well and I think suits the style of top.
  • Make a fabric flower.
  • Sew it to the black tie.
  • Make tabs to hold the belt.

front view...

back view...

There you have it, three old t-shirts turned into a little girl's top, ready to be worn with a pair of black leggings. Funnily enough, it also looks good with a pair of blue denim jeans worn underneath.

Voting has begun for Round Four and I've made it through. Again, I can't tell you which one is mine. Head on over, take a look and vote for your favourite.

... Pam

Don't forget to check out our ongoing themed link parties at  Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way.


  1. Congratulations on making it through to the next round, your dress is lovely and the flower really finishes it off. Good luck with Round 4 I am off to vote!

  2. That looks so cute! I am always blown away by your creations.. but this may just be my favourite yet!

  3. That is too cute! You did an amazing job recycling!!!!

  4. Dress is simple amazing! Beautiful. And flower turned out really nice. Hope that you don't mind if I mention it on my place :) I like what you've done.

  5. Very cute!! I love the colors, great idea for my granddaughters.

  6. What a great use of old t-shirts! I love the it that sweet little girl look!

  7. I thought that was yours! Congrats on making it through another week. I voted for this round and am pretty sure I pegged your entry again. :)

  8. I love checking out these recycle projects of yours - amazing. I think I like this top better than if it was a dress. It's seems sassier in a very sweet way. Love it.

  9. Congratulations on moving to the next round, Pam!! I am heading over to vote now. :)

  10. Congrats! That's the dress I had voted for too! :) Off to see what's up next!

  11. Love this dress Pam. Without the explaination of how you recycled the tops I would have thought it was made from scratch. Great job :)

  12. That is way too cute! I love the little flower and the bow!

  13. This is adorable! Love love love it! I just might have to use this idea to make some cute Easter dresses for my girls this year. I just wish I had the hindsight to pick some coordinating shirts at the thrift store that would look this good! You did an awesome job!

  14. It's beautiful! It so transcends the original 3 t-shirts!

  15. Great job! This is so much cheaper than buying fabric.

  16. Congrats Pam - that top is just fabulous!! I'm off to vote again!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  17. This is so adorable. I am going to try this.

    I'd love for you to share these at our linky party.

  18. I like the way you did the neckline- that was a neat idea. Happy to have you at Things I've Done Thursday!!

  19. Too cute!

  20. WOW! Pam, this is incredible how you recycled these into this beautiful dress! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  21. Wow! Amazing! I never would have guessed that it was from recycled shirts!

  22. This is just gorgeous

    Thanks for linking up to Serenity Saturday!
    Can't wait to see what you link up this weekend

    Natasha xx

  23. Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous!! You are so talented!

    - Adele @ Mammy Made


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