Friday, 21 October 2011

So Much To Do...

Busy, busy, busy!!! There are so many sewing projects that I want to tackle. I think I may have to put a hold on reading blogs until I cross off a substantial number of projects from my To Do list. Only kidding... I look forward to my daily dose of inspiration.

I do have to prioritise though. Here are a couple of things that I will definitely be doing in October and November.

Last month I took part in the Retro Pillow Challenge, hosted by Rikka and Keren. It's time to sign up for their next challenge. I had so much fun and learnt so much with their first challenge, that I wouldn't miss this one. Head on over to the challenge page and sign up. You'll find lots of ideas and inspiration to get you started. 

The Crafty Christmas Club has been set up for anyone who will be making Christmas presents. It's a way to get inspiration and tips from others. It's also a venue for discussing your plans and showing off your projects, without spoiling the surprises on your own blog. I'm about to make up my Christmas sewing list in the hopes that I'll be so motivated I'll finish all I set out to do.

I'll also be doing the Frame Pouch Along with Making Rebecca Lynne and I'll be turning a wedding dress into a good day dress to wear to a wedding.

That's my Thursday Think Tank for this week.

If you'd like to line up your graphics and text, so they appear where you want them to (instead of where Blogger feels they should go), head on over to this tutorial on tables. Thanks, Keren!!!


  1. Thanks for the shout-out Pam! Keren and I are stoked you're on board for the tote challenge.

  2. After reading your post, I had to go check out the Crafty Christmas club. I sent an email asking if I could join. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. :)

    I am looking forward to seeing your project at the "FNS" :)

    Take care,

  3. Just stopping by to say hi after you visited my page and left a comment on my new wallet.

    I love finding new blogs and really am excited to come across yours because you are participating in some awesome social bloggy things. I am going to try to do the Crafty Christmas Club and I am contemplating the tote challenge! Thanks for the heads up on these.

  4. Thank you for linking up at bacon Time, I am following back. I love Christmas crafts, I am interested in seeing what you have going on with your other blog too. Have a great weekend, and nice to meet you.


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