Monday, 3 October 2011

Finished Projects for September...

Here's everything I finished and crossed off my To Do list during September.
I think I achieved a lot during September.  I was certainly happy with what I did. I had a lot of fun and I learnt a lot.

My To Do list continues to grow daily as I continue to find more and more fabulous ideas on the new blogs I am discovering. This month I'm exploring lots of new blogs over at Lily's Quilts Small Blog Meet

Small Blog Meet


  1. did a lot of sewing in September. I'm over from Lily's Quilts.

  2. I'm dropping by to visit from Lily's Quilts - and thanks so much for visiting MY blog!! I enjoyed your posts, especially your studio shelving..that's another idea for a future post.

  3. Hi there, I too have popped over from Lily's Quilts. Love your blog design.

  4. Nice! It feels good to finish off things, especially if they were lying in the bottom drawer for weeks. I am only saying that as I finally I managed to get a few things done and there was this strange sense of order in my life.

  5. Returning your visit to my blog. Amazed by the amount you got finished in Sept.

  6. Wow - well done on getting so much done in September! - and was just reading your last post about dress a girl around the world! Thanks for sharing that - I'd never heard of it before - great cause!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Man! I want my done list to look like that. Dang woman! Throw some of that time or energy (preferably both) over here!!!

  8. Just came over from small blog meet and I enjoyed my visit. So many finishes and I am so jealous.

  9. have finished many projects. I love reading your blogs and ideas. I'm also from Lily's Quilts.


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