Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Treasure Bag...

This little treasure bag is quick to sew and can be made from scraps of material.  It is not lined, so I have used French seams to keep it tidy.

    - 2 pieces 16cm x 19 cm - main colour for the outside of the bag
    - 2 pieces 16cm x 4.5cm - contrast colour for inside top of the bag
    - 2 pieces 13cm x 3cm - contrast colour for the drawstring casing
    - 2 pieces of cord 34cm


    Right sides together, sew the contrast to the main colour. I used a 6mm seam and finished with a zig zag stitch. Finger press the seam to the top and topstitch 3mm from the seam. 
    Sew contrast to main colour...

    Topstitch 3mm from the seam...

    Sew the front and back together using French seams:
    1. With wrong sides together, sew the front to the back at the bottom with a 3mm seam.
    2. Trim any loose threads.
    3. Turn the material so that the right sides are together.
    4. Finger press and sew a 6mm seam
    5. Open to the right side
    Step 1: sew wrong sides together...

    Step 4: sew right sides together... 

    Repeat Steps 1 to 5 for both the side seams.

    Step 1: sew side seams...

    Step 2: trim loose threads...

    Seams finished...

    Hem the top of the bag:
    1. Sew a zig zag stitch around the top edge of the bag on the contrast.
    2. Finger press a 6mm hem and stitch.
    3. Turn so the contrast is on the inside and finger press
    4. Stitch near the bottom of the hem.
    Steps 1 & 2: zig zag and hem...
    Step 4: hem...

    1. Turn the bag right side out.
    2. Stitch a fine zig zag around the four edges of the casing. I sometimes do the zig zag twice.
    3. Turn the short ends under twice, finger press and stitch twice.
    4. Turn the long edges under 6mm once  and finger press.
    5. Measure 1.5cm from the top of the bag and pin the casing.
    6. Tack the long edges by hand and remove pins.
    7. Run two rows of stitching along the long edges.
    Step 2: zig zag around the edge...

    Step 3: hem the ends...

    Step 6: tack by hand...
    Step 7: stitch twice along long edges...

    1. If the cord will fray, put sticky tape around one end and attach a safety pin.
    2. Thread the first cord through both casings.
    3. Thread the second cord through both casings.
    4. Knot the ends of each cord.
    Step 1: attach sticky tape & safety pin
    Thread the 2nd cord...

    There you have it; a quick, easy little project.

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    1. Simply lovely, country style. Love it. Also your tutorial is very detail. THANKS.
      Terrie from Hong Kong

    2. These are simply adorable and would be a great way to wrap a gift!

    3. Thanks Terrie and Cherie for the lovely comments.

    4. so cute. And I don't have to worry about a zipper. Thanks for the great tut! I started a link party at my blog and I'd love for you to link this up. I also have an awesome digital scrapbooking giveaway going on. If you're interested it's http://caribbeanmissionarywife.blogspot.com/

    5. Lovely tutorial, very easy to follow along, I must think of something that needs a treasure bag! Thanks for linking up with Eat, Grow, Sew!

    6. These are adorable and so easy! I think they would be cute as goodie bags for DD's Bday. Thanks for a great tut!

    7. Thank you, i make bags in all sizes, for many purposes, from organizing my rucksack bag, to organizing my workroom. i sewed big cloth bags to keep wools etc. Have 2 coat racks on the wall on which i hang the bags. Tidy, neat colorful and even washable ,,,,,

    8. Is really a lovely tutorial! Very easy...Thanks. Hugs

    9. I adore your bags!!!Very cute .Tutorial is great .Thanks and hugs:):)

    10. Beautiful! Virna from Italy

    11. This is great! I have thought about doing this for a while, but finally have the motivation and inspiration to make the idea a reality!

    12. Hi Janet,
      I've just checked on one of the bags I have here. The top of the casing is 1.5cm from the top of the bag. Hope this helps


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