Wednesday 10 August 2011

Cupcake Dress...

I am so pleased I purchased Toni Coward's Make It Perfect book. Of the twenty one projects in the book, there are fifteen that I want to make. That makes it excellent value for money!!!

Cupcake Dress
I've finished the first of these fifteen projects; the Cupcake Dress. As Toni says in the introduction, this is one of the easiest dresses to make. Cut the bottom off a T-shirt, join three contrasting fabrics to make a skirt, gather, add a ribbon, attach to the T-shirt and the dress is finished.

This is the first of many Cupcake Dresses I will be making. As well as looking great, each dress only requires a small amount of each fabric.

The instructions are detailed and easy to understand. Every step needed to finish the garment is included.

The hardest part of the outfit was the flower brooch that I added. (It's not part of the original pattern in the book.) I'm sure there's an easier way to construct it. This is how I did it:
- Draw a flower shape and trace onto paper.
- Cut two flowers from this pattern.
- With right sides together, sew the flowers together, leaving a small opening.
- Turn and slip stitch the opening.
Cabbage Patch Cupcake Dress
- Hand sew a circle in the middle.
- Gather.
- Attach button and sew onto dress.

I just had to make a matching dress and bag for the Cabbage Patch doll. Sorting through the old baby clothes to find a suitable T-shirt was fun. Instead of a flower, the Cabbage Patch dress has a heart. This time I used a Clover Yo Yo maker, which was so much easier!

Given the fact that Cabbage Patch has a matching bag, there will have to be a matching bag for the Cupcake Dress.

I can't decide whether to do the Champion Cargoes or the Sunny Day Shorts next. With Spring fast approaching, perhaps I'll make it the Sunny Day Shorts. Then again, the Picnic in the Park Capelet looks like it would be a lot of fun. I need more hours in the day.

... with matching knickers


  1. Replies
    1. Such an amazing post, also there is significant CIPD assignment writing help available online for students in learning high quality writing guidelines to draft creative projects essentially.

  2. Hi Pam!
    Great job, I love your fabric matching on your cupcake dress and your little flower brooch is just darling on the dress. Hehe very cute to make the matching Cabbage Patch Skirt as well.

  3. Love this idea - I did laugh out loud when I saw the cabbage patch doll wearing a version too though!! Haven't seen one of those dolls in years! Your blog makes a good read!!

  4. Thanks for the lovely comments everyone.

    S... welcome to my blog.

  5. So Cute Cabbage is looking in the cupcake dress LOL :) Thanks Pam for linking it up on Sew Book Inspired

  6. hello, I'm new to sewing and just love this dress. Is there a sizing chart? and is the information on this page all I need to know? or is there more of a tutorial?
    thanks Sandy

    1. Welcome to the world of sewing, Sandy. The measurements for this particular dress came from a book, so there's not enough information on this page. I have written a tutorial for a t-shirt dress that may be helpful to you...

    2. thank you so much I will look at it :)


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