Wednesday 17 June 2020

Hand Sanitiser Holders ~ 6 Free Tutorials

Hand sanitisers now seem to be a way of life. Prior to the current situation, I rarely used them. Now, however, when I venture out, my little bottle of gel comes with me. So today I thought I'd share some tutorials showing nifty ways to store them for ease of use.

Hand Sanitizer Holder ~ Pattern & Video Tutorial by Helen, from Hello Sewing

Hand Sanitizer Jacket ~ Tutorial by Ren, from The Inspired Wren

Hand Sanitiser Holder ~ Tutorial by Kayarna for NannyCraft4U

Hand Sanitiser Gel Holder ~ Tutorial by Jo, from A Rose Tinted World

Hand Sanitizer Holder ~ Tutorial by Anne, from Anne's Travels

Hand Sanitizer Holder ~ Tutorial by Christie, from Lemon Squeezy Home

You might notice an inconsistency with spelling. Here in Australia, we spell it sanitiser. In many other parts of the world it's sanitizer.

How do you spell it? More importantly, how are you coping in your little corner of the world?

... Pam


  1. Thank you very much! i was lookung for an idea, because i kept mine in a nylon bag in the bigger bag, which of course made me look for it with the `unclean` hand, in the bag. Having the bottle outside like the suggestions here seems much more sensible.
    Also cloth bags for the bottle are washable as well!!!THANK YOU

  2. Timely post, Pam! I never carried hand sanitizer before, but will be for quite a while once C-19 restrictions loosen up.

  3. 6 free tutorials on hand sanitiser holders, demonstrating easy ways to store them for convenience during outdoor activities. emergency protective order

  4. I really like your post. Thanks for the sharing valuable information.


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