Sunday, 21 June 2020

Showcasing ~ Bird Seed Bag Tote ~ Tutorial

Ditch the plastic bags and make yourself a reusable shopping bag that's easy to wipe clean.

Learn how to make a bag from a bird seed bag. Tutorial by From My Carolina Home
Carole, from From My Carolina Home, shows how to make a Bird Seed Bag Tote. As the name implies, this easy to sew bag is made entirely from a bird seed bag. It's a win win - costs nothing and gives a second life to something normally thrown away.

I wish I knew where you could buy bird seed in bags like this in Australia. If you know, leave me a comment.

The Bird Seed Bag Tote was added to the Bags & Totes link party. You might like to check out the following tutorials also from the Bags & Totes linky...

... Pam


  1. The birdseed bag I made a while back was a 50 pound bag of seed from Costco. I don't know if you have Costco or similar place, but that is where I got my bag. They also have stores here for selling birdseed and bird houses, etc. for your yard. Like Birds Unnlimited.

  2. Thank you for the feature, Pam! I have extras bags from time to time, if you want one or two I'll mail them to you.


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