Thursday, 11 June 2020

Autumn Down Under

More so than ever, I've been retreating to my happy place - our garden. Although we're eleven days into Winter here in Australia, the following are photos taken throughout the months of Autumn.

At the very end of a long, hot Summer, it finally rained. Much needed rain!! Amazingly we didn't lose too much during the drought. The little plants can be replaced - not so the 30 year old tree. Never the less, a new tree will be planted.

Succulents housed in an old cane bookcase

With climate change on us, we're re-thinking the garden. Plants that require constant water are just not feasible. The further they are from the house, the less water - if any - plants will receive.

An eclectic mix

During the drought, we were only allowed to water with buckets. Luckily we also have rain water tanks, as well as a system to treat waste water which we then utilise on gardens. 

Still one of my favourite spots, especially on a hot day

It really is amazing how everything has sprung back with the rain.

Up the garden path

Many parts of the garden received NO water for months on end. The plants that survived in those areas will be duplicated. My little potting area - behind the bamboo in the photo above - is jam packed with cuttings and divided plants I'm propagating.

Nephrolepis ferns

We are keeping some plants that require a lot of water, but only a few, and all close to the house.

Succulents, duranta, geranium, agapanthus, agave, salvias, canna lilies

Although this is predominantly a sewing blog, long time readers will know that gardening wins out to sewing any day. The more stressed I am, the more I rely on the garden. It's not just the exercise - although that is good - it's the planning and creating that I'm constantly doing while out there. Worries usually get pushed to the back of my mind if I can immerse myself in the garden.

Aloe vera mixed with a daisy and chrysanthemums

Although there are no photos to show you, the garden is full of insects - many of them native.

Perfect Autumn day

And we are seeing more and more birds. Some have nests in the garden, others just come to visit.

The start of our new raised bed veggie garden

It's been many, many years since I've grown veggies. We now have one raised veggie garden, as well as several pots. It's been great not to have to buy silver beet and bok choi, even during the Summer months.

We call this our River of Grass - in reality, it's a grass of weeds

The veggies have been such a success, that we're planning on getting some more raised beds. The new area is being cleared at this very moment.

Giant Bird of Paradise in old washing machine inserts

So, what's been happening with sewing? Not a lot at the moment. I just haven't felt like it. Several times I've organised the fabric ready for new projects, but that's as far as I've got. The ideas are there, just not the motivation to carry them out.

Kangaroo grass - a very hardy native 

Getting back on the blog is a start. It feels good! Next up is to start reading other blogs again. I've had a complete break. If you're someone whose blog I used to read and comment on, my apologies. Don't take it personally.

Our insect hotel

Towards the end of last year and the beginning of this year, I did quite a bit of sewing that I still haven't shown you - there's a tutorial in the works.

Stay tuned!!

If you think you've seen some of these photos before, you must be following along on Instagram - that's where I show lots of photos of the garden, along with places we visit and the odd sewing photo.

You might like to see past garden posts to see how our garden is changing and evolving.

I hope you are all safe and well in the current climate!! Tell me what you've been up to.

... Pam


  1. Your garden is just lovely! My gardening skills are limited... and being in a rental isn’t very motivating... so for now I’ll just enjoy your pics! Thanks for sharing xx

  2. Awesome garden, Pam. It is hard to stay motivated for me too right now. I love digging in the dirt, so my garden is a big part of helping to keep me from going crazy during this time of social isolation. I would be more motivated if I could see friends, have show and tell, and just be able to have more fun.

  3. Your garden looks lovely Pam, I am not surprised that it is your happy place :) I leave all the gardening here to my DH, my role is purely to direct or relax in the sun with a glass of crisp white wine in hand! I have been working on a scrappy charm square project which has the double bonus of reducing (a little) my scrap stash and not needing too much thinking or planning with, hopefully, a colourful quilt at the end.

  4. You garden is gorgeous! I do love seeing all you homey posts along with the sewing. I have been shoveling five yards of topsoil and mulch into my flower beds. Two more beds to weed (let it go way too long) and three more yards of mulch and it will be done.

    We are about to hit summer here in New York. After a long, cold winter and the COVID shutdown, even shoveling wheelbarrows of dirt seems like a blessing. As for sewing, the little bit I am doing is still mask making. Everyone in my circle seems to want to try a different style mask or fabric or way to tie it on now. Right now I am really understand the old saying, "give a man a fish..." Cannot get any of the younger ones interested in sewing, though.

  5. Welcome back to the land of the "living bloggers", Pam. ;-) I just came in from doing some weeding in our front yard rock bed. Try as I might, I just don't have the same enthusiasm for as you for tending to outdoor greenery. I've been doing other things besides sewing, though, and am just about to puree up some strawberries to make a cake.

  6. Your garden is beautiful. I can certainly understand why it is your happy place.

  7. I love seeing your garden! It amazes me that we grow some of the same plants in different seasons and in different ways. Now that school is officially finished for the summer I am recuperating, trying to get organized, finishing projects that waited all year, and of course gardening!!!

  8. "Autumn Down Under" skillfully combines cultural subtleties with striking imagery to encapsulate the spirit of Australia's fall season. The narration emphasizes the contrasts between warmth and coolness in an engrossing way. Readers may feel the clear air and see the golden foliage thanks to the author's vivid technique. A lovely ode to fall!
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