Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Sewn by YOU ~ Repurpose an Old Twister Game Mat

What do you do with an old Twister game mat that's no longer used? Thinking outside the square is called for...

Shirley, from Sewing by Shirley, turned hers into an extra large tote bag. Isn't it fabulous! For a bit of extra fun, Shirley embellished the bag using her Silhouette Cameo Machine. Pop on over to Shirley's blog for more details and to find out how she strengthened the plastic seams. Oh, and to see which two tutorials of mine she referred to as she made her bag.

In case you have an old Twister game mat lying around, here's a few links that might give you some ideas to repurpose it...

... Pam


  1. Thank you Pam! I love your bag tutorials. I have made several now, but still refer back to your links every time to make sure I make them right! They make such a wonderful gift--who doesn't like to get a bag? :)

  2. I never liked twister when I was young, but now I do!

  3. Haven't played Twister in years! We are currently clearing out the attic so I may well come across one of those mats, now I know what to do with it :)


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