Friday, 18 October 2013

Christmas Fabric Baskets...

Christmas Fabric Baskets ~ Threading My Way

I keep seeing the word Christmas being mentioned and I've actually just finished writing my first Christmas post... a guest post that I'll tell you more about next month. That means I've done some Christmas sewing and I feel SO, SO organised!!!

Now, I know lots of you are just naturally organised and started Christmas sewing ages ago. Not like me who begins thinking and planning months ahead, but leaves the actual sewing till the last minute.

So, for those of you who like to get things ready way ahead of time, I thought I'd show you the Christmas fabric baskets I made LAST year... I think I made 5. They were all well received, so it's on my list to make a few more this year. I have plenty of time yet.

Are you an organised person, or do you leave things till the last minute?

... Pam


  1. I dream of being organised but sadly that is what it remains :( One of these days though I might surprise myself! I might even have stacks of these great baskets on hand one year too, now wouldn't that be really organised Pam??

  2. Great creations,Pam!I like so much your baskets!

  3. These are so great! I am doing a recycled/upcycled gift series and I would like to include a link to these. Hope that is ok!!

  4. I try to be organized - too many years went by where gifts never got made, or were sent months after the occasion. This year my plan was to make 6 quilts for Christmas gifts (5 toddler and 1 infant) - I started sewing them in July :) I have 4 completed, #5 will be done today and #6 will be done by the end of the month - 2 have already been delivered to the recipient's parents (saving me a fortune in postage, lol). My goal is to have all Christmas gifts finished and sent off by the end of November - I'd like to start 2014 by being a month ahead of gift production - having January done in December, February done in January - etc. It's a lofty goal for a procrastinator, but I get a bit more organized every year, so I'm headed in the right direction - and holidays are getting a lot less stressful for me :D

  5. Those would make some great gifts!!! I need to get going on those. I just received a hand-me-down gift of some stash fabrics from my mother-in-law that included some great Christmas fabrics. This would be the perfect project for them!

  6. I've been thinking a lot about Christmas already but haven't done any yet. Those baskets are a great idea. Will have them in mind!

  7. I am not only unorganised, I am disorganised, and I think that is much worse. But I have finally remembered to take my sewing machine to be serviced, so soon I hope to be trawling your fantastic pattern links (thank you for being so organised for all the rest of us).
    ==I'm hoping that these recent blogs mean you are safe from fire danger?

  8. Christmas? Oh no! Every year I mean to start planning months ahead of time and every year I end up scrambling trying to finish all the projects I want to make. ;)

  9. great baskets! I have aspirations to be organised, I just never seem to get round to being organised though!

  10. Hi Pam,
    This Gifts bags are looking so cute.
    very well organized. I Have been thinking a lot for Christmas gifts basket. but i was not getting any idea. but you made it is for me.
    thanks a lot for sharing this post.


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