Friday 17 May 2013

Star Wars Apron...

After making my first ever apron, for the Crafty Cooks Apron Swap, I decided it was time I made Mr TMW an apron. As he does 99.9% of the cooking, I thought it was only fair.

Mr TMW has always been a huge Star Wars fan. When the very first Star Wars movie was released, we took my mother to the picture theatre to see the movie. Mr TMW was hooked!!! Not so my Mum. Not long into the movie, she leant over and asked whether anyone would miss her if she ducked out to the shops. 

My enthusiasm for the films lay somewhere in between my husband's and my mothers's... perhaps a little closer to my mum's, until Ewan McGregor took on the role of the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, that is. I'm happy to watch him in any movie... LOL!!!

Sitting in my stash was one metre of Star Wars fabric that Mr TMW had spied while patiently waiting for me a couple of years ago in a fabric store. Teamed with red, this was a perfect choice. I suggested a full apron, but Mr TMW wanted a half apron, so once again, I've used the Apron in an Hour Remix and the Apron in an Hour  tutorials.

I've only used one fat quarter of the Star Wars fabric, so there's still plenty left to make something else for Mr TMW.

I'll be adding this apron will be added to both the Aprons and Sewing for Men link parties...

... Pam


  1. It's a great masculine apron! love the story about your mom and star wars. :)

  2. Very cool! My hubby would love this, though I'm not sure he'd wear it, if anything could make him wear an apron it would be Star Wars!

  3. The only thing better than a hubby who does most of the cooking ... is a hubby who does it wearing a Star Trek apron - so cute! I haven't cut into my ST fabric yet - I haven't decided yet what to make with it :D

  4. The theme song to Star Wars is now in my head!lol But that's a good thing as I really like the movies as does the rest of the Meinen family.;) The apron looks great on Mr. TMW!

  5. More fabulous fabric Pam! - a very cool apron!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. That's awesome! My husband LOVES stars wars! Too bad he doesn't cook that often or I'd make him one!
    Great job!

  7. How cute! I am new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back! Nicole

  8. I bet he really likes his apron. It looks great! Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.

  9. cool apron! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

  10. Fabulous idea, and great gift idea for a man who's always so hard to suit, thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!


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