Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Fancy Feet...

Rikka, from Ricochet and Away, has announced her latest challenge... the Fancy Feet Sewing Challenge. To quote, Rikka... March's challenge is all about those tricky sewing machine feet that sit in our sewing boxes and never get used.

Hmmm.... I have one or two, or three or .... fifteen sewing machine feet, or presser feet. Yikes!!! That's a lot and I know I haven't used them all.

Some I use on a regular basis. The Reverse pattern foot is my everyday presser foot. It's just the standard foot that comes with the machine. The other foot I just couldn't do without is the Zipper Foot. When I bought my first machine many moons ago, these were the only two feet that I had. To be honest, I could make everything I wanted with these two feet.

However, further down the track and two machines later, there are all sorts of fancy presser feet available. These are the ones that I frequently use. They're not absolutely necessary, but they do make sewing easier.
There are 8 more presser feet, that I've never used, in my tool kit.
  • Blindstitch Foot - for sewing blind hems.
  • Edgestitch Foot - for topstitching or edgestitching, to keep the stitching equidistant from the edge or seam. I topstitch all the time and didn't even know there was such a foot. I must try this one, although I don't know if it will be worth the time to change the foot, not that it takes long. I'll let you know.
  • Invisible Zipper Foot - It's been a long time since I've sewn an invisible zipper.
  • 7 Groove Pintuck Foot - I must check this one out next time I do pintucks. This foot is for fine pintucks.
  • Freemotion Embroidery Foot 
There's one more foot in my toolbox that I haven't used and that's the one I think I'll try out for the Fancy Feet sewing challenge... the Roll and Shell Hemmer Foot, which is for doing a rolled hem on fine fabrics.

Source ~ Bernina Presser Feet for every occasion

I've been saying for ages that I want to sew more for myself. Perhaps I could make a blouse with a rolled hem. Am I old fashioned calling it a blouse? Perhaps I should call it a top or a shirt. Anyway, we'll see what I end up sewing. The challenge is open till the end of March, so I have LOTS of time to change my mind and I usually do.

Thanks to the time spent researching the presser feet I own, I would now like to look into buying four more feet. No, I haven't been paid or sponsored by Bernina to write this post (although perhaps they should... LOL!!!). I own a Bernina and so naturally I've looked at their site. You'll have to research to find whether any of the feet I've mentioned are made for your brand of sewing machine.

These are the four feet I'm interested in buying:
If you've used any of these presser feet, I'd love to hear whether you think they're worth it.

This will be the tenth challenge I've done with Rikka, each time learning something new.

If you'd like to learn to use a presser foot that's lying unused and unloved in your sewing toolbox, join me for the Fancy Feet Sewing Challenge.

... Pam 


  1. This sounds like a fun learning experience!

  2. I have a couple feet that have been on my list for awhile, I think I may jump in on this one!

  3. hm, I use the standard foot, zipper foot, 1/4 inch foot, walking foot, open toe embroidery foot... i have used the buttonhole foot... I have no idea what the other feet I own do! Must go and have a look...

  4. Wow, quite the informational post, Pam! Love it! Thanks for the shout-out! I'm pinning this to the challenge board for easy access. I am really considering trying to master the rolled hem foot. I have some fabric I'd like to turn into scarves......oh, we'll see!

  5. Thank You PAM , that was an eye opening article!!!
    i think i use maybe 3 of my various machine feet regularly, there are some i never used nor tried. Now you gave me an idea i should take some time and TRY using those, at least to have an idea what i can do with them. .

  6. I use an overlock foot on my machine.:) Though, I confess to being lazy and not always switching to it when I sew an overlock stitch. I've struggled with using the rolled hem foot. On the fabrics that it's suited for...lawns, voiles, etc. I can never get it to work right. But when I used it on the corduroy for the brown with pink polka dots jacket, it worked perfectly! User error I'm sure.;)

    Can't wait to hear about what you learn!

  7. I don't use all my feet regularly either. I use a regular zigzag foot, a teflon zipper foot and a 1/4" patchwork foot all about the same amount each. I use an applique foot when I applique, and ... hmmmmmmmmm I think there's another foot I use but I can't think of what it is, lol!


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    Doris Bowen


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