Sunday, 13 May 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

As you know, I'm hoping to make, or at least start, my first quilt this year. Thanks so much to everyone who linked up a quilt!!! I still don't know what sort of quilt I'll make, but I now have lots of ideas. I hope you'll continue to add lots of quilts (old or new), to help me decide what to make. I won't be starting this month, as I'll be busy with the I Will Wear It In Public Garment Sewing Challenge, but I'll have my thinking cap on.
    Our features for this week...

    According to Mr Linky, the most viewed quilting post was:
    And five more awesome quilting projects which also caught my eye:
    This very pretty top featuring beautiful lace detailing:
    And a fantastic apron that has been refashioned from a shorts jumpsuit:

    Head on over and visit these talented ladies. 

    Each week, I will place a blog button, belonging to the blog which was most viewed, in my sidebar. This week, the most viewed link was the Real Scrappy Quilt Tutorial. Joy, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

    Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

    You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

    I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

    ... Pam


    1. Wow! Gorgeous quilts! I share your goal to make my first quilt this year too Pam.....maybe we can spur each other along! :)

    2. How pretty! I've never made a quilt before either!

    3. Thank you for featuring my chevron quilt Pam, best of luck with your first quilt:)

    4. the featured quilts are all very inspiring! :) I love the blouse and the jumpsuit too...Congratulations to all the ladies who have been featured. :)

    5. Thank you for featuring my Blue On Blue Mosaic Quilt !!!!
      I really enjoy your blog !

    6. I'm working on a quilt too, 2 yrs in favt lol! looks liek the list has grown! I'm in on the garment challenge to, happy sewing to you!

    7. Thank you so much Pam for the feature. We cannot let this art die. I'm far from being an artist of quilts, but want to keep trying as I enJOY looking at and studying quilts. I hope this tutorial does inspire others to make some kind of quilt.

    8. Thanks so much for the feature! And thanks for always being inspiring!


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