Saturday, 26 May 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

Did you all have fun during Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Week? WOW!!! So many wonderful giveaways. I've found some new (to me), creative blogs and I've just had an email telling me I've won 10 fat quarters of fabric over at Mama Love Quilts. How cool is that!!! I'll tell you more about my win later.

With everyone busy entering giveaways this week, I had thought there may be less posts linked up to our ongoing link parties, but this hasn't been the case.

For those of you who are new to Threading My Way, all of our 21 link parties are themed and ongoing. You can add links to any party at any time. A new ongoing party begins each Sunday. Features, which are usually done each Saturday, can be chosen from any of the parties. There's a list at the bottom of the post.
    Our features for this week...

    The most viewed Jackets, Coats, Raincoats, Ponchos post from last week:
    • Velvet Jacket by Sherry, from What I Made Today. Sherry has been featured several times on Threading My Way, with her gorgeous children's clothes.
    With Winter fast approaching in Australia, I'm keen to find good jacket patterns. Both of the following jackets not only look fabulous, but appear to be warm and comfortable, too:
    Some amazing heirloom embroidery:
    A man's shirt refashioned into a stylish top for a woman:
    • Summer Top by Lovenicky, from Frou Frou by lovenicky
    An exquisite hair accessory :
    An ever so lovely knitted bag. I haven't knitted for many years, but this bag makes me want to start again:
    And a tutorial for a beautiful frame purse:

    Head on over and visit these talented ladies. 

    Each week, I will place a blog button, belonging to the blog which was most viewed, in my sidebar. This week the most viewed link is the Velvet Jacket. Sherry, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

    Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

    You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

    I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

    ... Pam


    1. Thanks for the feature Pam! Congrats on your win!

    2. Thanks heaps for showing my jacket in your feature. Can't tell you how much I love your link parties :-)

    3. Oh wow, those jackets are so impressive. Beautiful features.

    4. Look at those fabulous coats! I have to see some more!

    5. Congratulations on your win, Pam! :) And thank you so much for featuring my vintage rose frame purse :D

    6. Thanks for featuring me, I am currently working on my daughter's baptism dresses. I will have to link those up when I am done. Thanks again.


    Thanks for stopping by! I love reading your comments and try to reply to all of them via email. If you don't receive an email reply from me, check back here.