Sunday, 6 May 2012

Bits and Pieces...

In March I took part in the Typography Challenge, with Rikka and Keren, from Ricochet and Away and Sew la Vie! It was a lot of fun!!! Those who are awarded a star, have bragging rights. Well.... I've been awarded the Bronze Star you can see below, so I'm allowed to brag... LOL!!!

Third Place Typography Challenge!

This month, I'm taking part in the next challenge...

Garment Sewing Challenge: May 2012

A very small component of the challenge is the competition at the end. But don't let that turn you off. The competitive bit is really only for fun and bragging rights. The month of the challenge is about:
  • meeting new people 
  • interacting and sharing with the other entrants
  • learning new skills
  • having fun
You can read my first post here. I think I'm going to make myself a blouse. More on that later in the week.

If you'd like to join in, head on over to the Challenge home page and sign up.

Another win...
I forgot to tell you, last month, over at Tales of a Trophy Wife, I won three Lily Bird Studio patterns. Yay!!! Thanks Tara and Cecilia. I'm looking forward to using my new patterns. These are the ones I've chosen:

Onging Themed Link Parties...
Have you read this post about our ongoing themed link parties? There's a link party to suit everyone. Our last two linkys are:
I know I said I'm doing away with To Do lists, but, making a quilt is something I really want to do this year. Kelli, from Seriously I Think It Needs Stitches, has linked up a fabulous I Spy quilt. I'm thinking I'd either like to attempt an I Spy quilt, or a quilt made from the kids' clothes. I know I'm not in Kelli's league when it comes to quilting and I almost certainly won't be hand quilting, but it's great to get ideas and inspiration from others. Hmmm... I only have 8 months till the end of the year. 

I'm linking up with Thursday Think Tank over at Making Rebecca Lynne.

... Pam


  1. Pam, you can definitely do an "I Spy" quilt, you are an amazing seamstress. Elizabeth Hartman's book The Practical Guide to Patchwork has a pattern called "Small Plates" that would work as an I Spy quilt, and her instructions for the whole process of creating a quilt are excellent. Definitely worth having a look at.

  2. Sorry, forgot to say congratulations on the Bronze star too!

  3. Congratulations. Woohoo. What a great month for you, all these accolades.

  4. All awards well deserved Pam. You've been a great Mentor for me. I really appreciate everything you do and what your do on your blog. enJOYing the privilege of knowing you via the blog.

  5. Congratulations on winning the patterns and your bronze star! Well deserved.:)

  6. Mazal Tov PAM !!! Congratulations
    i loved the bags and letters , they are so joyful

  7. Congratulations on the Bronze award.
    Enjoy your dress making!It is fun too.

  8. Congratulations for the well-deserved award, Pam! and also for winning the patterns.
    I am very sure that you are going to make a beautiful quilt top. You are a very talented seamstress. I myself would like to finish or at least put together a quilt top within this would be fun to see you do it too. :)

  9. You're such a busy little bee! Congrats on the bronze award!!! Well deserved! I feel like I've missed a heap of your posts and I'm not sure why! But I'm making up for it now!!! :D

  10. Congratulations on getting the bronze award! Your project was really awesome! Hope you have fun with the new challenge, I haven't even decided what to make yet *sweatdrop*

  11. Do it Pam! You've been talking about making a quilt for a bit now...8 months you can do it. Start small... I can't wait to see. And congrats on the award, whew hew!

  12. Pam ! By all means Make a quilt, and you can make an unconventional one, with you wonderful feel for color, form, and creativity!!!
    best of luck mirjam

  13. Hi Pam! Ashley from Mommy By Day Crafter By Night is doing a zig zag quilt sew a long Im hoping to do if I have time. I cant wait to see what you make for yourself for your Challenge.


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