Sunday, 2 June 2019

Showcasing ~ Choosing Colours & Fabrics for Quilts

There's a reason fabric companies sell bundles of pre-cut fabric. They're colour co-ordinated, and in most cases will work well in the same project. But what if you want to pick and choose fabrics yourself? This is where I come unstuck. I know what works, or doesn't, when I see the fabrics together. But pulling fabrics from my stash, or the fabric store, can result in frustration, as I don't know why some fabrics work and others don't. Read on to find the answers... 

Learn how to choose colours & fabrics for quilts - focus print, hue, tone, contrast - From My Carolina Home

Carole, from From My Carolina Home, shows how to choose colours and fabrics for quilts. With real life examples of fabrics, Carole talks about focus prints, hue, tone, contrast prints, values and print size. It'll all make sense when you read it.

Does choosing fabrics come naturally to you, or, like me, is it something you have to work on?

Caroles's post on Choosing Colours & Fabrics for Quilts was added to the Quilting & Patchwork link party. You might like to check out the following Quilting Tutorials also from the Quilting & Patchwork linky...

... Pam


  1. Buying those curated bundles is just so easy isn't it Pam? I really need to check out that tutorial as I know that I don't make the most of my stash!


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