Sunday, 7 April 2019

Showcasing ~ Drawstring Bag for a Bride ~ Tutorial

I tend to carry around a decent sized handbag. Having recently attended a family wedding, I had to downsize significantly for the night to a little clutch purse. The bride, on the other hand, usually doesn't carry a purse. Today's showcased tutorial solves the problem, resulting in a small, discreet and easy to carry little bag. 

Learn how to make a drawstring bag the perfect size for a bride or bridesmaid. Tutorial by Sum of their Stories.

Julie, from Sum of their Stories, shows how to make a small drawstring bag, just big enough for a few tissues, lipstick and a safety pin. Embellish with a pretty motif, or add lace. The detailed instructions will step you through the process.

Julie's Bride's Bag  was added to the Drawstring Bags link party. You might like to check out the following Drawstring Bag Tutorials also from the Drawstring Bags linky...

... Pam


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