Monday, 1 April 2019

Behind the Scenes _ And a Little Hand Sewing

There has been very little sewing happening at Threading My Way during the last six months. Time has been limited, and what spare time I have has generally been spent out in my garden - my happy place. 

Just recently we celebrated the marriage of one of our family members - a very special occasion! 

It's not often you'll see a photo of Mr TMW and myself dressed to the nines. I think we scrub up OK. A little hand sewing to add a press stud, ensured the cross over top on my dress stayed put. Five minutes work max.

Mr TMW and I headed to The Star in Sydney on Friday and crashed there Saturday night after a wonderful wedding and reception nearby. Life has been pretty hectic for us of late, so it was REALLY good to have a couple of nights away.

Needle and thread came out for two more dresses worn at the wedding. 

Spaghetti straps on my daughter's beautiful blue dress needed shortening - a simple job of hand sewing in place. I didn't even bother to cut the excess off - just tucked it inside, and no one was any the wiser. I suppose I could have unpicked it, cut off the extra and machine stitched, but honestly, a quick fix by hand was just as good. No one other than my daughter will ever see the inside.

Little Miss was Junior Bridesmaid. From the very beginning, the bow on her dress didn't sit flat. Despite the bride to be's concern, I unpicked the stitching and took the bow right off the sash. I hand stitched the sash to the dress from side seam to side seam around the front, to ensure it stayed in place. Extra press studs were added to pull it in slightly, leaving the original in place so it can be worn as she grows. The last step was reattaching the bow - it stayed in place all night.

The wedding ceremony took place in Giba Park, overlooking Sydney Harbour and the Bridge. A couple of years ago we watched the New Years Eve fireworks from this location, and we once climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

There was something about the light on our first evening - it was magical. This was the view from our accomodation.

And one last photo to show you that I now own a dress. Long time readers of Threading My Way know that I live in jeans. There are a couple of neglected skirts in my wardrobe, but it has been many, many years since I have owned, let along worn, a dress. Together with other family members, we danced the night away in these outfits. It was a lot of fun, and a night to remember on so many levels.

... Pam


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day, you and your hubby look fabulous.

  2. Looks like the event turned out beautifully and was a well-earned break for you.

    So I'm curious: what does your travelling hand sewing kit look like? There's nothing like the urgency of a wedding to make adjustments and fixes. I have a button that needs to be sewn back on a sweater and it's been sitting for weeks! Now, if I needed it for a wedding... :-)

    1. Mine was gleaned from a thrift store (one shop). It has not-so-little spools of multiple shades of threads, needles of multiple shapes and sizes, buttons, snaps, snips of Velcro, a tiny scissor. I also carry in my suitcase very small bottles of Aileen’s glue of various types. We “vintage” gals save the day!


    2. You have everything covered, Kelley!

  3. Awwww! Congratulations to your family! Blessings to the new couple, and all the “old” ones, too!

    Handsome pair you are! Look at the joy!


  4. You and your husband are a beautiful couple! It looked like a glorious day and I wish your family the very best!

  5. What a great location for a wedding Pam it looks like you all had a fabulous day. Aren't those trusty hand sewing skills just the best too!

  6. Your husband and you are a great couple. The wedding must have had a very special all looks very harmoniously beautiful. All the best for you and your family.

    Greetings from Germany, Klaudia

  7. It all looks and sounds wonderful. And what a good thing you and your trusty needle and thread were on hand!

  8. These are lovely pictures Pam! I've never been to Australia, so I really enjoy seeing glimpses of it through your posts. That is such a beautiful picture of you and your husband. I have sewed very little this year. My time is scattered in many directions as we prepare for our move in June. I hope it is the last move for us--moving is exhausting! I don't really like to mend, but I have to tell myself that it is those things that benefit us the most. So many people don't know how to just fix things and to be able to do that is one of the top benefits of knowing how to sew!

  9. Just beautiful. You’re right, 20 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress! 😂😂

  10. Looks like a beautiful day and so lovely for you to be able to get away for a well deserved break xx


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