Thursday 18 January 2018

How I Organise and Store My Fabric Scraps

After years of trying various methods, I finally have an efficient system of organising and storing fabric scraps. I always used to feel disorganised, but not any more. Maybe my method will work for you, too...

As I cut, I put all fabric scraps into the sewing basket I made for the last quilting retreat. Depending on how many offcuts I have, I can fit a couple of months worth of scraps in the basket.

When the basket is full to the brim, AND when I'm in the mood, I spend some time and sort the scraps into colours, placing them in zip lock bags. The bags are then stored in a large basket on my IKEA shelves.

In the past, I used to shove scraps into bags after each project, but I could never be bothered to sort into colours. I'd just put the scraps in the top zip lock bag, making it much harder when I went to use the scraps. 

It seems to make more sense to take the time to sort properly when I have a significant amount of scraps. With just a few scraps, it never seemed worth my while to get out all the bags, 

A simple solution, but it's working for me.

How do you store your fabric scraps?

... Pam


  1. Here is the link from my blog how I store my scraps by color:

  2. Hehehe I do what you AND Daryl do - mine are sorted by colour and stored in plastic salad containers - then when the container gets full, I transfer the contents to big ole Ziploc bags (which get dumped into a big Rubbermaid container) (and now ... two big Rubbermaid containers) ... I think I need to use up some of my scraps!

  3. Finally sorted (rainbow method) into ziploc plastic bags after you all guilted me into it. It has come in handy for the rope bowl obsession.

  4. Ha, ha... I am often envious of all the fabulous fabric you folks have at your disposal, but as someone who doesn't have a hoard of fabric, this issue is not a problem for me. Right now my scraps are still in one relatively small box under my sewing table. When it gets to the point where I have to "stuff" the pieces, I'll think of something. ;-)

  5. Ah I am planning on doing a post on this same topic :) I deal with my scraps as I go... into precuts rather than colors... xx

  6. I do the same as you Pam, it makes life much simpler when I am looking for a small piece of fabric in a particular colour. I don't quite know what happens to the scraps once they are in the ziplock bags though as no matter how often I raid the bags for pieces for a project those bags never seem to get any lighter :)

  7. My scraps are a disaster...I'm trying to get rid of them anyway, but I like the idea of a scrap bag anyway. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!


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