Thursday, 11 January 2018

Library Bags for Charity

School children in Australia are on their Summer break - six weeks of holidays. At the end of January when the kids return to school, parents will be faced with the task of providing school supplies for the year. For children in Kindergarten to Year 6, a library bag is one such item that each child needs.

In many schools, without a library bag, children cannot borrow and take home books - further disadvantaging kids who are already doing it tough. Hence my sewing the 30 library bags I referred to the other day - maintaining enthusiasm with a repetitive project.

My library bags will be sent to Sewing for Charity Australia, where they will be forwarded to either Kids4Kids School Supply Drive or The School Project.

Each library bag takes about one yard of fabric - ½ yard for the outer + ½ yard for the lining. That makes a total of 30 yards of my stash fabric used!!! I'm happy to say, this has made a dent in my stash - a small dent, but a noticeable one.

For many of the fabrics shown, that's the end of the yardage I have. However, there's lots of leftovers for small projects. With other fabrics, I still have yards left to play with at another time.

Having an extensive stash enables me to tackle a huge project like this without venturing to the shops. It suits the way I work. Stopping mid-stream to go shopping causes procrastination to set in.

That sounds like an odd thing for me to say, as I just LOVE fabric shopping! But only when it's leisurely and I'm not looking for a specific fabric, or trying to choose co-ordinating fabrics.

The bags are all made with my own tutorials...

And there they all are, in one big pile - which almost topped over as I tried to photograph them... LOL!!!

It's hard to pick a favourite, as there's so many gorgeous fabrics, but I think I'd go for #2 - red polka dots with yellow floral and green borders. Which one is your favourite?

... Pam


  1. What a great accomplishment! Thank you for helping all those children! I think my favorite would be the little cars, but my granddaughters would be choosing some of the pink or purple options! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. I have yet to see a noticeable dent in my stash. Except that one time, when I sorted, and donated three boxes to my various charities. Funnily, four boxes took their place, somehow.
    We don't have to have library bags in the US. Always a shock to find out how many kids don't take advantage of our free public libraries and also the school libraries.

  3. You did well! I love all the different fabrics you used, they are all so fun - no boring bags to choose from! The kids are going to be so happy xx

  4. OOOoooOOOO this gives me an idea - I was going through my gift box (store bought and sewn items) a few days ago and came across a couple of books I bought for gift sets, but which ended up not getting used in the sets. One is sharks, and one is rockets. I know I have shark fabric and I think I have rocket fabric ... I'm going to make library bags for those, and get them donated - WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    1. HAHA I'm going to reply to my own comment, lol. After I posted that, I remembered that I have a stack of new colouring books downstairs as well, along with some new boxes of crayons. Art bags coming up too!


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