Saturday, 17 June 2017

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features (all have been Pinned)...

A great refashion, added to the Shorts, Pants & Leggings link party. Prolong the life of a pair of pants...

Turn Old Pants into Shorts by Lisa, from Cucicucicoo Ecological Living... this week's featured blog. Lisa, look out for your blog button in my sidebar. There are 8 pages full of tutorials over on Cucicucicoo - refashioning, sewing patterns and clothing to name a few. If you are new to sewing, check out the Learn to Sew series, and if you like crafting, there's a myriad of craft tutorials. Lisa even has lots of In the Kitchen tutorials.

A lovely blouse, added to the Women's Tops link party. Looks super comfortable...

Kimono Top ~ Pattern & Tutorial by Mayra, from So Sew Easy

A beautiful dress, added to the Girls' Dresses link party. With lots of tips for sewing with knits...

Easy Make Any Size Maxi Dress ~ Tutorial by Cheryl, from Sew Can Do

A fabulous bag, added to the Bags & Totes link party. The embroidery adds a lovely touch to the bag...

Polka Dot Embroidered tote Bag ~ Tutorial by Julie, from Sum of their Stories

A wonderful refashion, added to the Pillows & Cushions link party. Great contrasting textures...

Denim Chevron Cushion ~ Tutorial by Vicky, from Vicky Myers Creations

A super quick project added to the Purses, Clutches & Pouches link party. Cost effective, too...

10 Minute Toiletry Bag ~ Tutorial by Damjana, from Apple Green Cottage

And another fabulous refashion, added to the Reusing Shirts & Ties link party. Such a lovely present...

Quilt Shot Block Memory Quilt ~ Tutorial by Joy, from Joy's Jots, Shots & Whatnots

Head on over and visit these talented ladies. Leave them a comment... #ThreadingMyWay

Follow Pam ~ Threading My Way's board Threading My Way ~ Features on Pinterest.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. HA I need to find a "waterproof bag for an inflatable kids boat" - I want to make a zippy exactly like Damjana's! I've saved zippers and the vinyl from vinyl bags that held linens - it never occurred to me to upcycle the entire bag as a new bag in a different shape/size - I need to get myself to the thrift store and see if I can find something to use :D

  2. Wanted to add a dress i enlarged but i have trouble loading it will try again later .

  3. Oh, thank you so much for featuring my blog this month!! What a lovely surprise! :) Lisa

  4. I love the quilt and the dress looks really comfy!!!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my knit maxi dress Pam! Love the other features too:)

  6. Thanks so much Pam for the feature. (Yes, I'm behind with my appreciations.) Loving your blog as always.


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