Saturday, 24 June 2017

Showcasing ~ Stacking Fabric Baskets ~ CD Repurposing DIY

What do you do with old CDs? I have to admit to cutting and then disposing of them in the garbage. Today's showcased tutorial is a pretty and practical solution - repurposing CDs into useful storage containers.

Learn how to repurpose CDs and make sturdy, stacking fabric baskets. Tutorial by eSheep Designs

Rochelle, from eSheep Designs, shows how to make Stacking Fabric Baskets by incorporating CDs into both the lid and the bottom of the basket. The CDs make for a sturdy lid and a flat bottom on the basket, adding both structure and stability. Ingenious!!! Rochelle's detailed instructions will show you how to make your own stacking fabric baskets.

Rochelle added her stacking baskets to the Fabric Baskets link party. You might like to check out the following links at the Fabric Baskets linky...
  • Sewing Basket
  • Storage Box with Inserts
  • KAIA Mini Fabric Bins
  • Fabric Wrapped Rope Bowl
  • Burlap Bowl

... Pam


  1. What a great idea to reuse those items. I am a huge fan of re-purposing things that would normally be tossed. Especially those like CDs that there are so many of out there. Heading towards the linky now!

  2. Thanks for the feature, Pam! (And you actually admit to having thrown away CDs?? My, oh my... kidding!) I just had a browse through the baskets linky and noticed that the Gathered Round Basket has a similar look to this. One could probably combine the two ideas.

  3. I ill not be passing on CDs to my daughter anymore thanks for the link for this. It lead to lots more to see and do too.


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