Wednesday 15 July 2015

Measurement Chart Template

Nothing beats trying clothes onto the recipient during the sewing process. However, this is not always possible. They might not be around or they simply might not want to co-operate. I've designed a template so you can record the measurements of the children you sew for, as a handy reference.

Record measurements for your child on this handy template. You'll never have to wait when they are not around ~ Threading My Way

These are the measurements I like to have on hand. There's room to add more if you'd like.

Handy template to record measurements ready for sewing ~ Threading My Way

Print a couple; one for home and one to pop in your bag when off to buy sewing supplies.

Handy template to record measurements. Makes life easier when the kids are not around and you are ready to sew ~ Threading My Way

The free Measurement Chart template is available for download now and is a two page document - includes printables for boy, girl or both together. Don't print from your browser. Click the Download button as per the image below. If you have any problems with the download, let me know.

How to download PDF template from Google ~ Threading My Way

The template is sized for A4 paper (8" x 11"). To make smaller or larger, change the scale when you print.

Prior to designing this template, I was forever losing the bits of paper where I scribbled the kids' measurements. Not any more.

I'd love you to share this post on Social Media :-)

... Pam


  1. I know you designed for Real Live Kids, but I sew for American Girl dolls, Bitty Baby, Vermont Teddy, and several others... I can never remember which measurement goes with which doll/stuffy -- these will be perfect! Thank you!!

    1. Didn't think of dolls when I made this up, but what a great idea, Ida.

  2. Great idea to keep this handy...I always think my daughter is bigger in my head than she actually is. The template looks cute!

  3. This is a great idea, Pam! I used to keep my families measurements on index cards in a recipe box, and also kept track of what I made, the pattern number and size and a clip of the fabric and any changes I made, also what I made for Christmas, birthdays, etc....gee I was so organized in those days!!! LOL!

    1. Thanks, Sheila. Wow, how organised you are / were!!! I'd love to be that organised!!!

  4. Grandmas and aunties and neighbours who sew for kids, should send this form to the moms of their little recipients, and ask them to update it about every 6 months - that way the gifters will always have up-to-date sizing information! (Sorry if this comes through twice - I typed it then it disappeared into the ether :D)

  5. What a great idea, and even when the children are around, really useful for gift making.

  6. A really wonderful idea!!!!
    Liebe Grüße, Sabine

  7. This is cute and a great idea! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

  8. A big THANK YOU for this chart. Could n't have come at a better time. But have to redo the measurements every month as my daughter seems to have caught a growth spurt :)

  9. Thank you! I would also add the date so that you know that you are using the latest measurements. I have done this since my kids were little and now doing it for my grandchildren.

    1. Adding the date is a good idea, Barbara. Thanks for taking the time to add your suggestion.

  10. I want to know how to make it. So nice! patio builder


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