Saturday, 19 July 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

An awesome bag, added to the Bags & Totes link party...

The Perfect Purse ~ Free Pattern & Tutorial by Emily, from Nap Time Creations

A fabulous vintage inspired, modest fitting swimsuit, added to the Swimwear link party...

Cosi Swimsuit by Jenya, from While she was sleeping

A terrific refashion, added to both the Refashioning with Denim and the Girls' Dresses link party...

Overalls to Dress Refashion ~ Tutorial by Amy, from Sews N Bows

An ever so practical and adorable baby gift, added to the Everything Baby link party...

Bib and Burp Cloth Set by Joy, from Yesterfood

A great idea for kids, added to the Sewing Accessories link party...

Printable Summer Sewing Cards for Kids by Teresa, from Keeping it Real

A super cute project, added to the Home Decor link party...

Needle Felting Fun by Brooke, from Artistic Endeavours 101

Another terrific refashion, added to both the Tops for Children and the Tops for Women link party...

Upcycling a Thrifted Dress by Marci, from Stone Cottage Adventures

And a clever idea, added to the Gift Wrapping link party...

Patriotic Mini Gift Box ~ Tutorial by Noreen, from Crafty Journal

Head on over and visit these talented ladies.

This week's featured blog is Nap Time Creations. Emily, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my upcycle! I'll get a shout out posted right away! Don't you love that darling puppy?! How cute!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Thank you for featuring my Patriotic Mini Gift Box - I really appreciate it. I just browsed through your threading lists and saw lots of good ideas. Thanks.

    Noreen at

  3. What a great website/blog! Love the on-going links...So many fabulous resources...

    Thank you so much for the feature!


  4. How fun- thank you so much for including my Bib and Burp Cloth Set today! I loved seeing everyone's projects! Thanks for always having great ideas available. :)

  5. Thanks, Pam! I always know I can visit your blog any time I need sewing ideas or inspirations!

  6. Bibs are on the To Do list for the newest member of the family, arriving in the new year. I haven't made burp cloths in a while - I should do a nice set like that one. They already have lots of stuff from the first one, but every baby deserves something that hasn't been "pre-christened" (lol) by an older sibling :D

  7. Lots of inspiration this week. Thank you for featuring my sewing cards.

  8. That little overall redo is sweet as are the baby projects. I do love your ongoing link parties. They are just about the only linkies I need anymore. Thanks for all the work you do here for all us sewing types.


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