Thursday, 3 July 2014

What's Happening in July...

A quick heads up on some sewing related happenings during July...

It's Refashion Month over at House of Estrela, with 19 guest bloggers, a huge pattern giveaway and a sew-along with the chance to win more patterns. I'll be guest posting at the end of the month. 

Hopeful ThreadsBaby Sewing is the current sew-along to help others, over at Hopeful Threads. You can join Kristy in making bibs, burpies and blankies, during the months July - September. I might have a go at a baby blanket. It's been years since I've made one.

Simple Simon and CoThe girls over at Simple Simon and Company, are once again running Skirting the Issue, where they ask women and mothers all over the world to sew up a skirt for another girl in need of some extra mother’s love. I'm sure I can make at least one skirt this month.

Christmas in July begins on the 6th at So Sew Easy, with guest bloggers showing how to make 22 different felt ornaments throughout the month. Look out for my post 8th July.

kid's clothes weekThe next Kid's Clothes Week runs July 21 - 27. This season's theme is Kid Art, but you don't have to sew something that conforms to the theme.

The sisters at Frances Suzanne have chosen the Oliver + S Croquet Dress, as the pattern to flip this month. The sew-along will remain open until July 24.

Le ChallengeEvery 15th of every month, there is a new theme for all crafters to interpret in their choice of crafty weapons. The current theme at Le Challenge is SMALL. One winner will be chosen at random.

Make something using Robin Pandolph 60" wide fabric... anything from a coat to a quilt and everything in between. Fabric ~ $6.75 yd from Fabric Outlet. This one's on Facebook, with a deadline of July 31st.

July's project over at The Monthly Stitch, is Mono Sewn, shunning colour. Sewing will be in monochrome, with three different categories.

Lil Pip DesignsEach month, Jane, from Lil Pip Designs, is hosting the Lil Pip Challenge, a sewing / crafty challenge. This month the challenge is sewing the Strap Clutch by Michelle Patterns

Quilt Jane is hosting the Nested Churn Dash Quilt-a-long. Participants will make a 24" x 24" block and be in the running to win some beautiful Aurifil thread packs and other great prizes. Finishes end of July.

Join the Hot Patterns Summer Breeze Sew Along and sew a top for yourself. You do need to purchase the pattern.

Little Stitch Design will be walking you through all the steps for making A Grand Evening ball gown during the Grand Evening Sew-Along.

Elven Garden QuiltsEleven Garden Quilts is hosting the Giant Chevron QAL - starts mid-July and runs till September. The pattern is half price before the QAL starts. Prizes along the way.

The Mini Medallion series runs from June - November over at Clover and Violet. The final design is a surprise, with a new border revealed each month.

Celtic Thistle Stitches Fiona and Paula are hosting Ho Ho Ho and On We Sew, a monthly link party to encourage Christmas sewing throughout the year. There will be guest hosts, tutorials and giveaways each month.

Marcus Fabrics “Friends & Companions” SEW-ALONG begins in August. Prizes each week. 

ONGOING charity projects...

Fluff Project (large) The Fluff Project is all about making stuffed toys for children in foster care. What started as a monthly project, co-ordinated by Kristy, from Hopeful Threads, has now turned into an ongoing drive.

Days for Girls International: Feminine Hygiene Program... Every Girl. Everywhere. Period. Veronica, at SewVery, brought this one to my attention. Such easy projects we can sew to help these girls retain their dignity.

Imagine a world where every little girl owned at least one dress. This is the aim of Dress a Girl Around the World. There are chapters around the world and within many states of the U.S. The Australian, Washington and UK branches are very active, as no doubt are many others. These are just the ones I've had contact with.

I'll be super busy in July, sewing baby things, a skirt or two and the multiple projects that are already half started on my desk - I need more hours in each day!!! What will you be sewing in July?

... Pam


  1. Wow, so much going on to keep us all busy, busy, busy!

  2. Fun stuff! Last month I joined the Lil Pip Challenge and plan to again in July! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. These should keep us all busy Pam :)


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