Saturday, 1 June 2013

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

I've really enjoyed going through all the links added to the newly started Home Decor link party. I'm blown away by the creativity!!! The first three of this week's features are comprehensive, easy to follow tutorials, but more than that, they all show clever ways to repurpose items to keep costs down...

DIY Door Draft Blocker ~ Tutorial by Joy, from Joy's Jots, Shots & Whatnots
It's the first day of Winter here in Australia, so this draft blocker tutorial is very timely.

DIY Carpet Binding ~ Tutorial by Cindy, from Siestas and Sewing

DIY Panels from a Thrifted Shower Curtain ~ Tutorial by Nicole, from The Living Sacrifice

And another fabulous ideas from the Home Decor link party...

Beach Hut Lampshade by Fiona, from Celtic Thistle Stitches

A terrific refashion, added to the Clothes for Boys link party...

From Pants to Shorts ~ an Easy Refashion by Olga, from Kid Approved

An awesome bag and tutorial, added to the Bags and Totes link party...

The Lesa Bag by Jill, from Creating My Way to Success

An ever so pretty little girl's dress, added to the Dresses for Girls link party...

Bouncy Flouncy Birthday Dress by Janice, from Better Off Thread

And an adorable dress, added to the Clothes for Dolls link party. Lindsay includes instructions showing how to adapt the doll's dress to make it into a dress for a little girl...

Boutique Peasant  (Doll) Dress ~ Tutorial by Lindsay, from PA Country Crafts

Head on over and visit these talented ladies.

This week's featured blog is Joy's Jots, Shots & Whatnots. Joy, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Thanks for hosting!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Hugs from Bulgaria!!!

  2. Liking this new link party! Great projects so far

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my curtains! =) Can't wait to check out these other fun links!

  4. Thank you for featuring my carpet binding, Pam! I love the new link party and I'm sure I'll be checking it out a lot as I tackle some room re-dos this next year.;)

  5. Thank-you for featuring my "Door Draft Blocker." I always enJOY the honor. Hope your winter isn't too bad and windy.

  6. Oh MY GRaciouS--just now saw I was your featured blog! Wow! No wonder my blog traffic was tremendous today. Thank-you and all your readers. That is SO sweet of YOU.

  7. Thanks so much for the feature Pam! Love the other features too - especially that bouncy flouncy dress!


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