Saturday, 14 April 2012

T-shirt dress...

The other day I showed you two t-shirt dresses that I had made. I mentioned a third dress that had not worked out. When I make a major mistake, I always find it best to put the mucked up sewing away and do something else.

Coming back to the mistake today, it didn't look so bad. All I needed to do, was to:
  • unpick the seam joining the t-shirt and the skirt
  • cut the t-shirt just under the armhole, so it is about 2 inches shorter than the other dresses
  • gather again and reattach

The t-shirt isn't sitting as well as the other two dresses. It looks stretched but it's not. I think the reason the t-shirt is not sitting as well, is because it's cut much higher. Not sure why, but it's not too bad.

I'm very happy with the underskirt and the way the lace and overskirt sits on top. This was just the effect I was after.

This little dress will be joining the previous t-shirt dresses for the Hopeful Threads sew-along to support Dress A Girl Around the World.

Head on over to Sew Delicious, to see the gorgeous peasant dresses that Ros has made for the sew-along. She has used such bright, fun fabric. Heidi, over at Grizz 'n' Dove, has joined in by making four lovely pillowcase dresses, with beautiful decorative stitching.

... Pam


  1. It`s very beautiful! Congratulations!

  2. I love it Pam! So exciting to see all these beautiful and unique dresses!

  3. The dress is so sweet, I love the lace. I have the same issue on tee shirt dresses with the fabric not laying smooth somethings and other times its just fine. Still, it is darling and some little girl will love it. :)

    I need to start walking away when I'm sewing something and have issues. I tend to try and plow through b/c sewing time is limited and it always ends up worse. Next time I'm following your advice and I'll come back to it later.

  4. Really really pretty Pam:)

  5. Gorgeous Pam! You're so right with mistakes that it's best to go away from them and come back another time. They never seem quite as bad as when you first make them!:)

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. lovely, can't wait to try this for my daughter :)

  7. Cute!!! I need to do this!
    Come by for a visit :)

  8. What a sweet little dress! Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. So smart to let it sit and then come back to it. Turned out very nice.

  10. I think it looks awesome! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  11. Totally Perfect!!! I'd love to have you share at my JUST opened!!!

    XO, Aimee

  12. I love the underskirt--so cute! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!


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